Pain and PGA were assessed on 0 to 100 mm visual analog scale . higher scores reflect greater pain and disease activity and minimum clinically important differences are 10 mm increase from baseline. HAQ DI assesses the level of an individuals functional ability and scores range from 0 to 3. higher scores indicate more severe disability and the MCID is a 0. 22 Ku 0059436 points increase. The SF36 yields 8 domain scores which are summarized in a physical health component summary score and mental health component summary score. The scale ranges from 0 to 100 with higher scores reflecting greater HRQoL. Improvements of 5 points from baseline represent a MCID. Network meta analysis To synthesize the results of the included studies, Bayesian network meta analysis models were used.
For the analysis we grouped the different aTNFs because previous analysis demonstrated that the different aTNFs are exchangeable. Within a Bayesian framework, analysis involves data, a likelihood distribution, a model with parameters, and prior distributions for these parameters. A regression model with a normal likelihood distribution relates the data from the individual studies to basic parameters reflecting the treatment effect of each intervention compared to placebo. Based on these basic parameters, the relative efficacy between each of the compared biologics, as monotherapy and combination was calculated. Both fixed and random effects models were considered and were compared regarding the goodness of fit to the data, calculated as the posterior mean residual deviance.
The deviance information criterion provides a measure of model fit that penalizes model complexity. The random effects model resulted in the lowest DIC, and was considered appropriate for the synthesis Dacomitinib of the available evidence. To avoid influence of the prior distributions required for the Bayesian analyses on results, non informative prior distributions were used. Prior distributions of the treatment effects relative to placebo were normal distributions with mean 0 and a variance of 10,000. A uniform distribution with range of 0 20 and 0 6 was used for the prior distribution of heterogeneity needed for the random effects analyses. WinBUGS statistical software was used for the analyses. The results of the network meta analysis provide us with posterior distributions of treatment effects of each treatment versus placebo in terms of difference in change from baseline. In order to transform these difference measures into an expected change from baseline with each treatment, the effect estimates of each regimen relative to placebo were combined with the average change from baseline with placebo across studies.