In this new assembly, Smp scaff000019 was placed on chromosome 2. We showed before that at least 105 scaffolds were specific for the W chromosome in females. In conclusion, in genome assembly ver sion 3. 1 more than 90% of the non repetitive part of the Z chromosome and the W chromosome are identical. In version 17-AAG chemical structure 5. 2, the pseudoautosomal region spans 70% of the assembled W/Z chromosome. The Z specific region of the Z chromosome is composed of unique sequences and interspersed repeats The region that is covered by the 15 Z specific scaffolds contains 205 putative genes. For 118 genes, a function could be predicted based on sequence similarities. Among those there are at least four genes that code for proteins that are predicted to be involved in spermatogenesis or for which paralogous genes show testis specific expression.
Nevertheless, for the moment it cannot be concluded that these genes are involved in sex differentiation and further analysis is necessary to clarify the role of these genes. Interspersed repeats were also observed in this genomic region but none of them are Z specific. The Z specific region in assembly 3. 1 is 6. 5 Mb in size. In assembly version 5. 2 it spans about 18 Mb and, according to, contains 782 genes. A region on the sex chromosomes with repressed recombination contains Z specific sequences but also pseudoautosomal sequences Having identified pseudoautosomal scaffolds and Z and W specific sequences, we searched for the location of these sequences on the chromosomes. For the Z specific scaffolds we explored an existing linkage map for the sex chromosomes.
The results are represented in Figure 1. All mapped Z specific scaffolds are located in a region of the Z chromosome for which repression of recombination was described. However, this region also contains pseudoautosomal scaffolds with a hit count ratio of around 1. Consequently, recombination repres sion in this region is not due only to absence of sister chromatid sequences. This result was confirmed with assembly version 5. 2. In this assembly, a block of sequences originally identified as linkage group 8 was inserted at position 20 to 25 Mb. Consequently, this region recombines, but two smaller regions at 12 to 15 Mb are homologous on the Z and W chromosome but recombination repression occurs.
The female specific region of the W chromosome is composed of repetitive sequences As mentioned above, in an earlier publication we had shown that at least 105 scaffolds are spe cific for the W chromosome in females. We had also indications that a large part of female specific sequences are composed of Anacetrapib repetitive sequences because they matched to known repeats in a repeat database. Nevertheless, 15 to 19% of the massive sequencing data did not correspond to any of the known scaffolds and repeats. These results sug gested that they might relate, at least in part, to unknown repetitive sequences.