e , African region, American region, European region, Eastern Med

e., African region, American region, European region, Eastern Mediterranean region, South-east Asian region, and Western Pacific region). Crude prevalence data were obtained by dividing the number of individual

strain types listed in a given study by the total number of typed strains. These data were aggregated to obtain estimates for each WHO-defined region and globally. However, this approach could potentially distort the contribution of different strains to overall global rotavirus disease burden, as countries that report data on more strains would be over-represented in calculations. For example, if 20% of all strains typed globally were reported from the United States, the US would contribute one-fifth of the crude strain prevalence data, yet it accounts for <1% of all global deaths from rotavirus.

Therefore, we also calculated weighted estimates of regional and global strain prevalence, by assigning to strain Epigenetics Compound Library clinical trial data from each region a weight proportional to the WHO estimate of RV deaths in children <5 years of age in that region. Separate weights were assigned for calculations at the regional level and globally. A total of 2606 original articles published during 1996 and later were identified. After excluding studies that did not provide relevant information 428 articles were screened for eligibility (Fig. 1), and data from 281 articles were included for the final analysis (Supplementary file). The majority (>96%) of studies were cross-sectional in design and most (>99%) used RT-PCR genotyping (alone, or, in combination with MAb-EIA, selleck kinase inhibitor hybridization, or sequencing) for strain characterization (Supplementary file). The number of typed strains varied remarkably by study (range, 7–1126 per year per country; mean, 164; median, 87); 78% and 56% of the studies provided information on <200 and <100 strains per year per country, respectively. A total of 110,223 strains were G-typed in these 281 studies (Supplementary Morin Hydrate file). Data on 124 strains could not be traced because either information was lacking on the number of mixed and untyped strains

or, less commonly, due to discrepancies between the presented total number of strains and the number of individual strain types after their sum up. Of the 110,099 strains with available information, 42.9% were G1, 11.8% were G2, 11.1% were G3, 8.2% were G4, and 14.1% were G9, which together accounted for 88.2% of all strains (Fig. 2A). G8 and G12 each approached 1% prevalence. Infections with multiple rotavirus strains (based on combined G types) and untypeable strains were found in 3.8% and 6.1% of samples, respectively. In general, both mixed infections and untypeable strains were more commonly seen in developing countries (mean values of mixed infections and untyped strains, respectively: African region, 7.2% and 10.7%, American region, 2.8% and 4.

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