The transplanted forebrain cells failed to activate regulatory ge

The transplanted forebrain cells failed to activate regulatory genes specific of cerebellar interneurons, such as Pax-2 (Maricich & Herrup, 1999). Nonetheless, they engrafted in the cerebellum and developed mature neurons, which were assigned SB431542 to different categories

of local interneurons, based on their morphology and localization. Hence, it was concluded that extracerebellar donors differentiate into cerebellar-like interneurons. In the article published in this issue of EJN, Rolando et al. (2010) compared the developmental potentialities of progenitors from different sites along the neuraxis exposed to the postnatal cerebellar PWM. To identify the phenotypes acquired by donor cells, these investigators applied a set of concurrent criteria, including expression of region-specific transcription factors, morphological features, GKT137831 cost neurochemical profiles and position in the recipient architecture. Most importantly, starting from the recent work of Fernando Rossi and collaborators, showing that the phenotype and position of cerebellar

interneurons are specified according to precise spatio-temporal patterns (Jankovski et al., 1996; Carletti et al., 2002; Leto et al., 2006, 2009), Rolando et al. (2010) asked whether extracerebellar donors shared the same developmental phases and final fate of the cerebellar interneurons generated at the age when transplantation was done. Although the results of these experiments are partly consistent with those of Milosevic et al. (2008), the conclusions

are quite different. The morphology, position and expression of type-specific markers in donor neurons did not correspond to those of their age-matched cerebellar counterparts. Furthermore, the morphological features of donor neurons that may be termed ‘cerebellar-like’ appeared to result from local interactions at the homing site rather than from the unfolding of a host-specific ontogenetic program. Interestingly, the acquisition of such features occurs more frequently when donor cells are derived from sites close to the cerebellum along the rostro-caudal extent of the neuraxis. Thus, although exogenous neurons stably engraft in the cerebellum and acquire some features reminiscent of local interneurons, it is clear that they develop according Cyclooxygenase (COX) to their own native properties and fail to become integrated into the host ontogenetic mechanisms. Thus, the results reported by Rolando et al. (2010) indicate that changing the regional identity of neural progenitors is not an easy task. “
“Synaptic transmission is a complex process comprised of several steps. These include the arrival of action potentials at presynaptic terminals, the activation of presynaptic Ca2+ channels, the binding of Ca2+ ions to the sensors of exocytosis, the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic plasma membrane, the release of transmitter into the synaptic cleft, and ultimately the activation of postsynaptic receptors.

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