Chunks were sieved to obtain a narrow size distribution (3.35 to 4.75 mm). The sample size was large enough (approximately 2 g) to ensure constant initial surface area. The silicon was cleaned by ultrasonication in acetone then ethanol followed by rinsing in water. After etching, samples were rinsed in water and ethanol, then dried in a stream of Ar gas. V2O5 (Fisher certified grade (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, Mocetinostat manufacturer MA, USA)), HOOH (EMD Chemical (Gibbstown, NJ, USA), 30% solution in water), and HF (JT Baker (Phillipsburg, NJ, USA),
49% analytical grade) were used to create stain etchants. Metal deposition was performed galvanically by adding a few drops of 0.1 to 1 mM metal salt solution to HF, resulting in metal coverage of about 5% of the Si surface. The Si wafers with metal deposits were then
transferred directly to the stain etchant with a droplet of deposition solution covering the wafer. In this manner, the H-terminated surface and the deposited metal nanoparticles were never exposed to the atmosphere and potential contamination. Aqueous salt solutions used for deposition include PdCl2 (Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA), reagent plus, 99%), AgNO3 (ACS certified, >99.7%), H2PtCl6 (EMD Chemical, 10% (w/w) solution), and CuCl (Allied Chemical (Morristown, NJ, USA), reagent grade 98%). Results and discussion The PXD101 solubility dmso Fermi energy of intrinsic Si, E i, lies in the middle of the band gap equidistant from the conduction band minimum E C and the valence band maximum E V. Based on the doping level, the Fermi energy of doped Si E F shifts up in n-type or down in p-type Si according to (1) (2) where n i is the intrinsic density of donors in Si, n D is the donor density in n-type Si and n A Vildagliptin is the acceptor density in p-type Si. From the work of Novikov [16], the value of the intrinsic work function can be obtained, E i = 4.78 ± 0.08 eV. The intrinsic donor density is n i = 1.08 × 1010 cm-3 at 300 K [15]. Here, I use typical donor densities of n D = 1 × 1015 cm-3, which corresponds to 5 Ω cm, and n A = 1
× 1015 cm-3, which corresponds to 14 Ω cm. Accordingly, E F – E i = 0.296 eV on n-type Si and E i – E F = 0.296 eV on p-type Si. The doping density is not critical as changing the values from 1014 cm-3 to 1016 cm-3 will only change E F – E i by ±0.06 eV, i.e., less than the uncertainty in E i. These values are used to calculate the work function of Si, Φ S (see Table 1). The positions of the Si bands are calculated with a Schottky-Mott analysis. This analysis assumes that (i) the Fermi energy of a metal and semiconductor in electrical contact is equal throughout both materials, (ii) the vacuum energy of Si varies smoothly and is only equal to that of the metal at the interface, and (iii) the electron affinity and band gap of Si are constant.