These results indicate that the signal(s) involved in aggregation are somewhat species-restricted and may be different from those mediating the infection process. Figure 2 Effect of zoospore-free fluid (ZFF) on aggregation
of Phytophthora nicotianae and Phytophthora sojae zoospores. Zoospores of P. nicotianae (2 × 103 ml-1) were incubated in ZFF of (A) Py. aphanidermatum, (B) P. capsici, (C) P. sojae, and (D) sterile distilled water (SDW). Zoospores of P. sojae (2 × 103 ml-1) were incubated in ZFF of (E) Py. aphanidermatum, (F) P. capsici, (G) P. nicotianae and (H) SDW. Images were captured 18 hours after incubation at 23°C. Bar = 50 μm. AI-2 is not involved in zoospore communication and promotion of plant infection To test whether AI-2 may be involved in zoospore communication selleckchem and promotion of plant infection, purified AI-2 was used in place of ZFF. AI-2 was tested at a wide concentration range of 0.01 μM -1 mM for its effects on P. nicotianae zoospore behaviors and plant infection; the concentration of AI-2 in ZFF was estimated to be less than 2 μM [21]. Under the microscope, an increased
number of zoospores treated with AI-2 lysed before encystment and failed to germinate as the AI-2 concentration was increased (Table 1). Zoospore aggregation was not observed at any concentration tested. In infection experiments with annual vinca, AI-2 did not promote single zoospore infection at any concentration. Interestingly, AI-2 induced hypersensitive response (HR)-like micro-lesions on the inoculated sites very at 100 μM and higher. These results indicated that AI-2 was not responsible for any of the OSI-906 cost zoospore signals found in ZFF. Table
1 Effect of purified AI-2 on encystment and germination of P. nicotianae zoospores after overnight incubation at 23°C Conc. of AI-2 (μM) No. of cysts No. of germinating cysts No. of empty cells No. of lysed zoosporesa M b Std b M Std M Std M Std 0 5 0.3 12 2.3 39 1.0 1 3.8 0.01 10 0.3 7 0.5 22 1.3 17 1.0 0.1 5 0.5 4 0.8 22 0.8 25 0.5 1 2 0.3 0 0.0 21 1.8 33 2.0 10 11 0.5 0 0.0 22 2.1 19 2.5 100 20 1.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 36 1.0 1000 14 1.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 42 1.3 a Difference between the total number of zoospores (56 ± 4) in SDW and those countable in AI-2 at each concentration. b M is the mean from 12 replicate fields (at 100×) of three assays. Std is the standard deviation. As a complementary test for the ability of AI-2-like molecules to mediate zoospore communication and promote plant infection, we cloned and silenced the ribose phosphate isomerase (RPI) gene of P. capsici. RPI converts ribose-5-phosphate to ribulose-5-phosphate, which can spontaneously convert to AI-2-like molecules under physiological conditions [28]. RPI was proposed to be responsible for production of AI-2-like molecules in zoosporic pathogens [21]. To Nirogacestat ic50 silence the RPI gene of P. capsici, protoplasts of P. capsici were treated with RPI dsRNA.