This disorder is being reported with increasing frequency in acro

This disorder is being reported with increasing frequency in acromegaly patients [25], and its correlation with disease activity (IGF-I levels) has been demonstrated [26]. According to Roemmler et al. [26], our data confirm that sleep apnea is a frequent problem among patients whose disease is poorly controlled, especially those who present with more severe disease activity. Clear-cut guidelines on the selection of patients for PEGV?+?SSA therapy (instead of PEGV alone) are lacking, although Melmed et al. note that combination

Sapanisertib clinical trial therapy might be more cost-effective in patients who would otherwise require high-dose PEGV monotherapy [5]. In our population, the decision to use PEGV?+?SSA was significantly influenced by the extent of the IGF-I reduction observed after?≥?12 months of SSA monotherapy,

which was approximately three times higher in Group 2 than in Group 1. This may reflect prescribers’ belief that, as suggested by Colao et al. [21], the efficacy of SSA therapy (in terms of biochemical control and limitation of tumor growth) may emerge only after several years of therapy, particularly when at least some positive effects have been observed with SSA monotherapy. The most important buy SNX-5422 factor in prescribing decisions, however, was the presence or post-operative persistence of MRI-documented tumor tissue. Recent data indicate that the fear of increased tumor growth during PEGV monotherapy is unfounded [19, 27], and our experience confirms this conclusion. Significant increases in tumor volume were extremely rare during follow-up (median duration 37 months) and showed no relation to the click here treatment regimen this website (PEGV vs. PEGV?+?SSA). Transaminase elevation rates were also low, which is consistent with previous reports [11, 27], and, as noted by other investigators [17], these episodes occurred mainly in diabetics. The IGF-I normalization rates observed in the two groups were in line with those recently reported by Van der Lely et al. [11]. They differ, however, from those

reported in other studies, involving patients who had less severe disease at baseline than ours (especially those on combination therapy) and were followed for shorter periods of time. In these studies IGF-I normalization rates achieved with PEGV and PEGV?+?SSA often exceeded 90%, especially in the early studies with follow-ups of <52 weeks [8, 9, 12, 13] but also in the long-term study conducted by Neggers et al. [14]. Rates more similar to our own were reported in 2011 by Van der Lely et al. [23] in patients with “partial” SSA-resistance treated PEGV?+?SSA: 78.9% achieved IGF-I normalization at least once, and 58% were still controlled at the end of follow-up. The final PEGV doses in that study were far lower than those recorded in our population, reflecting once again the severity of the disease in our patients.

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