, 2004). We sought to characterize the wild-type HRC over a wide range of contrast changes and input delays. To do this, we generated a stimulus comprising spatially periodic bar pairs in which we varied the contrast of each bar independently and randomly in time while monitoring the fly’s turning response (Figure 2A; Marmarelis and McCann, 1973). Each bar subtended 2° in azimuth. As the spatial acceptance angle of the Drosophila ommatidium is 5.7° and the separation between adjacent ommatidial centers is 5.1° ( Stavenga, 2003), by design a single bar pair in this visual display stimulated no more than two adjacent points in
space. In many cases, both bars will fall within a single receptive field. Thus, this stimulus represents a minimal motion signal that should produce small turning responses predicted by the
HRC in a manner dependent on multiplication of the contrasts of the two bars ( Figure 2B). While flies did www.selleckchem.com/products/KU-55933.html not respond to either bar’s intensity individually ( Figures S2A and S2B), they did respond to the joint distribution of the two bars’ intensities in time, characterized by a two-dimensional kernel ( Figures 2C and 2D). As expected, this kernel had the form predicted by the HRC with strong responses corresponding to sequential contrast changes at short temporal offsets. From this two-dimensional filter and a simple HRC model ( Egelhaaf et al., 1989), we determined the shape of two filters: the delay filter, which determines the temporal correlation Selleck Epigenetics Compound Library time in the model, and the behavioral response filter, which takes into account the delay and dynamics of the fly’s response to perceived motion ( Figure 2E). The delay filter under these dynamical conditions peaked near 25 ms, close to measurements of the delay based on electrophysiological studies in other flies ( Harris et al., 1999). The behavioral response filter also matches known fly response times ( Theobald
et al., 2010). We compared the mean fly response to the response predicted by the HRC kernel and found that the relationship was linear, consistent with flies responding to the product of contrasts, as predicted by the HRC ( Figure 2F; Hassenstein and Reichardt, 1956 and Heisenberg and Buchner, 1977). We note that as expected for such a weak motion stimulus, fly rotation is Adenosine strongly dominated by stimulus-independent noise under these conditions and that this kernel predicts only a small fraction (∼1%) of the variance in mean turning behavior. Taken together, the aggregate properties of the fly’s rotational responses to motion in our apparatus match those predicted by the HRC. Most motion stimuli comprise the simultaneous movement of both light and dark edges, defined respectively by a transition from dark to light (the “light” edge) and a transition from light to dark (the “dark” edge). We first examined turning responses to edges of each individual type by using a stimulus, in which a single edge type rotates about the fly.