4i) resulted in non-flagellated and consequently non-motile strai

4i) resulted in non-flagellated and consequently non-motile strains. Complementation of the 3841 flaA/B/C/D – strain with cosmid 976 [50], which was shown by hybridization to carry #learn more randurls[1|1|,|CHEM1|]# flaA, flaB, flaC, and flaD, restored swimming and swarming motility to near wildtype levels (data not shown). The VF39SM flaE (Fig. 4e), flaH, and flaG mutants (Fig.

4f and 4g) exhibited normal flagellation while VF39SM flaD (Fig. 4d) displayed normal number and length of flagella, although the flagellar filaments were thinner along their entire length (average of 7 nm width). Also, individual mutations of flaD, flaE, flaH, and flaG did not significantly affect swimming and swarming motility in VF39SM (Table 3). A different phenotype was observed in 3841 flaE and flaH

mutants, which exhibited truncated filaments (Fig. 5) and reduced swimming motility. The flagellar filaments formed by the 3841 flaE – and 3841 flaH – strains averaged 3.4 μm and 2.4 μm in length, respectively. Although the swimming motility of 3841 flaE and 3841 flaH mutant strains were reduced, the swarming motility was not significantly affected. Figure 4 Electron micrographs of R. leguminosarum VF39SM fla mutants stained with uranyl acetate. Inset pictures show the flagellar filaments at higher magnification. (a) flaA – (b) flaB – (c) flaC – (d) flaD – (e) flaE – (f) flaH – (g) flaG – (h) flaB/C/D – (i) flaA/B/C/D -. Bars: 500 nm for cells MK-8931 mouse with flagella; 100 nm for inset pictures. Bcl-w Table 3 Flagellin subunits and their relative abundance in R. leguminosarum wildtype strains based on tandem mass spectrometry analysis. Flagellin subunit Queries Matched No. of unique peptides detected Sequence coverage (%) emPAI Mascot score A. 3841 wt lower band           FlaB 21 4 42 5.85 856 FlaA 19 5 46 4.66 622 FlaC 12 2 41 1.46 401 B. 3841 wt upper band           FlaB 22 4 37 4.05 741 FlaA 19 7 44 3.62 493 FlaC 13 3 31 1.23 288 A. VF39SM wt           FlaB 36 5 43 8.28 1116 FlaA 24 8 46 6.68 748 FlaG 16 2 28 2.25 415 FlaC 18 2 29 1.72 469 FlaE 10 1 18 0.83 264 Figure 5 Electron micrographs of R. leguminosarum 3841 fla mutants stained with uranyl acetate. Inset pictures show the flagellar filaments

at higher magnification. (a) flaA – (b) flaB – (c) flaE – (d) flaH – Bars: 500 nm for cells with flagella; 100 nm for inset pictures. The motility assays and the filament morphologies demonstrate that FlaA is an essential flagellin subunit for R. leguminosarum. Mutation of flaA resulted in non-flagellated (for VF39SM) and consequently non-motile strains. It is possible that (at least for strain VF39SM), FlaA forms the proximal part of the filament, hence when FlaA is not synthesized, R. leguminosarum fails to assemble the distal part of the filaments using the other subunits synthesized. The major role of FlaA in filament assembly and function is similar to what has been reported in S. meliloti, A. tumefaciens, and R. lupini [5, 6] . In all three species, mutation of flaA resulted in non-motile strains.

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