5 km except for the ship SB431542 cost channel and the upper part of the tributaries, where the resolution is about 0.1–0.2 km. The triangular unstructured grid with 0.1–0.2 km resolution can cover most of the tidal portion of the major tributaries in the Bay. Transitioning
from the Bay to the continental shelf, the resolution became coarser toward the open boundary where the resolution is about 10 km. Although a more refined grid would sufficiently reduce numerical diffusion, computational efficiency should be considered as well, because the time step must be reduced as the grid becomes more refined. In the vertical direction, SELFE uses hybrid-vertical coordinates, which include both terrain-following S-coordinates and Z-coordinates. The terrain-following S layers are placed on top of a series of Z layers. The hybrid vertical coordinate system has the benefits of both S- and Z-coordinates: the S layers used in the shallow region resolve the bottom efficiently and the Z layers, which are only used in the deep region, fend off hydrostatic inconsistency (Zhang and Baptista, 2008). The vertical grid used in the domain has 20 layers in S-coordinates and 10 layers in Z-coordinates. The 20 layers that use S-coordinates
cover the entire shallow region down to 43 m in depth, and the 10 layers that use Z-coordinates cover the region from 43–200 m in depth. For the hurricane events, the wind and atmospheric pressure fields Trichostatin A nmr were generated by the parametric wind model in SLOSH (Jelesnianski
et al., 1992). Based on the main hurricane parameters (i.e., hurricane path, atmospheric pressure drop, and radius of maximum wind speed), the model calculates wind speed, wind direction, and air pressure in the pattern of a circularly symmetric, stationary storm. Basically, tangential forces along a surface wind trajectory are balanced by the forces normal to a surface wind trajectory. The formation of wind speed for a stationary, circularly symmetric storm is Rolziracetam described as: equation(1) V(r)=VM2(RM)rRM2+r2where VM is the maximum wind speed [m s−1], RM is the radius of maximum wind speed [m], and r is the distance from the storm center [m]. The moving speed of the storm is estimated by the hourly hurricane track. Typically, the radius of maximum pressure gradient (Rp) does not coincide with the radius of maximum wind speed ( Holland, 1980). The ratio is defined as follows: equation(2) Rp/RM=[B/(B+1)]1/BRp/RM=[B/(B+1)]1/Bwhere B is the scaling parameter determining the shape of the wind profile. Holland (1980) suggested that B lies between 1 and 2.5 for hurricanes. Detailed applications of this method are found in Shen et al. (2006b) and Wang et al. (2005). The analytical wind model described above requires three parameters: hurricane path, atmospheric pressure drop, and radius of maximum wind speed. This model is useful during hurricane events, but is not applicable to normal weather conditions.