7 In another case series of 10 testicular infarctions retrieved from the pathology records of one institution, giant cell vasculitis was identified as an etiologic
factor in one patient.8 The diagnosis of BD is difficult, and diagnostic criteria includes recurrent oral ulcerations at least 3 times in 1 year with 2 of the following: recurrent genital ulcerations, eye lesions (uveitis or retinal vasculitis) observed by an opthalmologist, skin lesions (erythema nodosum, pseudofolliculitis, papulopustular lesions, and acneiform nodules) in adult patients not on corticosteroids, and a positive “pathergy test” read by a physician Palbociclib concentration within 24–48 hours of testing.12 Ultrasonography remains a good modality for investigating testicular pain and swelling. Awareness of BD and other vasculitis patients’ urologic complications Temsirolimus manufacturer (epididymo-orchitis and testicular infarction)
is important, as the latter may be mistaken for testicular tumors. Orchidectomy should be avoided because of the need for androgen replacement therapy and various psychological factors. In asymptomatic and clinically well patients, a conservative monitoring approach should be considered before a diagnosis becomes definitive. “
“Congenital absence of the vas is estimated to occur in up to 1% of men. It may be associated with cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutations or in 79% of cases, renal agenesis.1 We present a case of each and discuss the current understanding of the underlying embryologic basis. An 18-month-old boy underwent an elective left inguinal hernia repair. At operation, an absent vas and epididymis were identified (Fig. 1). He underwent renal ultrasound scanning and cystic fibrosis (CF) screening as follow-up and was found to have ipsilateral renal agenesis but no CFTR gene mutation. A 2-year-old boy also underwent elective left inguinal hernia repair. At operation, he too was noted to have an absent vas and epididymis. During follow-up, a renal
ultrasound showed an ipsilateral pelvic kidney with normal contralateral kidney. Upper tracts were entirely normal. CF screening was performed. The CFEUv1 kit detected none of SB-3CT the most common 32 CF mutations in deoxyribonucleic acid from his lymphocytes but did show the patient had 1 copy of the 7T allele and 1 copy of the 9T allele at the intron 8 splice acceptor poly T polymorphism but not the 5T allele CFTR mutation. A sweat test was normal. Laparoscopy was offered but declined by both families, as the outcome was not relevant to either child until they want to have children of their own. Radiological opinion in our center is that no form of imaging would be helpful at this age in assessing the presence of the contralateral vas and so was not offered. Ultrasound per rectum can be performed as an adult to assess the vas and seminal vesicles, as is protocol in an infertility clinic.