e., when not all genotypes can be found in all environments with the same frequency). For simplicity, G*E and covGE are often assumed absent, reducing this to P = G + E. An important statistic derived from this is the heritability, h2 = G/P, which
is often expressed as a percentage. In the same way as the variance, one can attempt the partitioning of the covariance between Wortmannin two phenotypes x and y. Together with the partitioning of the variance of the two phenotypes, this can give an estimate of the genetic correlation (rG) between these two characters: rG=GxyGxGy. In the absence of a linkage disequilibrium, a significant genetic correlation indicates that there exists one or more genes that influence check details both phenotypes simultaneously, making it highly likely that at least part of the physiological pathways leading from genotype to phenotype are common, so that a causal, and perhaps also functional, relationship must exist between the two phenotypes
[32]. The long history of the field of behavior genetics has greatly enriched our understanding of the inheritance of behavior. New methodologies promise to facilitate gene localization and identification. One serious problem faced by both animal and human behavioral geneticists is the need to increase our understanding of the phenotypes that we study. The behavioral constructs supposedly underlying the test batteries that we use are in urgent need of validation and, in psychiatric genetics, disease entities need to be re-defined. An important role awaits behavior geneticists here, because, if applied judiciously, behavior genetics and its toolbox can aid greatly in this process. Nothing declared. I thank Drs. Richard Brown (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada), John Crabbe (VA, Portland, OR, USA), Douglas Wahlsten (Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada), and Frank Peyré (Bordeaux) for many stimulating Chloroambucil discussions over the years about the ideas presented
in this article. “
“Current Opinion in Behavioural Sciences 2015, 2:xx–yy This review comes from a themed issue on Behavioral Genetics 2015 Edited by William Davies and Laramie Duncan doi:10.1016/j.cobeha.2014.10.011 2352-1546/Published by Elsevier Ltd. Pheromones are chemicals that have evolved as a signal emitted from one individual, to generate a specific reaction in another member of the same species 1 and 2]. Since the landmark purification of bombykol, a compound secreted by female silk moths that provokes males to engage in a frantic wing-fluttering dance, the idea of influencing the behaviour of other individuals via chemicals has captured the public imagination [3]. From a research perspective, provoking behaviour with synthetic chemical cues offers a unique opportunity to experimentally decompose complex social interactions at the sensory, neural, genetic and behavioural level [2].