How ever, the diploid strains containing PfPP1 and PfI2 or control plasmids were unable to grow. When stringent cul ture conditions selleck inhibitor were applied using SD LWHA medium, the strains containing PfPP1 PfI2WT, PfPP1 PfI2 or PfPP1 PfI2W16A were still able to grow while the strain containing PfPP1 PfI2Y103A lost its capacity for growth, suggesting a role for Y103 in the stability of the interaction. Taken together, these results suggest that the loss of function of most deleted or single mutated PfI2 pro teins is not due to a loss of interaction with PfPP1. Initiation of G2 M in enopus oocytes by PfI2 The partial conservation in PfI2 of two PP1 binding mo tifs likely suggests a capacity to interact with other PP1 and to e ert a potential function.
Previous studies reported that the inhibition of PP1 in enopus oocytes by anti PP1 antibodies triggered G2 M transition measured by the appearance of Germinal Vesicle Break Down or GVBD. Having established the inhibitory role of recombin ant PfI2 on the phosphatase activity of PfPP1 in vitro, we followed up the induction of GVBD by microinjecting the wild or mutated His tagged PfI2 proteins. Also, we evalu ated the ability of Nt deleted PfI2 to trigger G2 M transition as it is still able to bind PP1 in the ab sence of the RV F motif. Results presented in Figure 6A indicated that PfI2WT was able to induce GVBD. Under the same conditions, PfI2, PfI2W16A or PfI2Y103A proteins were ineffective in inducing GVBD. The presence of each protein in microinjected oocytes was checked by immunoblots using anti His mAb.
In parallel, it was essential to check whether PfI2WT can bind to enopus PP1. As shown in Figure 6C, the use of a specific PP1 antibody for immuno blot analysis of eluates co immunoprecipitated with anti His mAb revealed the presence of ePP1 in the comple . The comple PfI2WT ePP1 was detected in enopus e tracts 15 mn post micro injection. The loss of functions of PfI2, PfI2W16A and PfI2Y103A, combined with the fact that they retain their capacity to bind to PfPP1, prompted us to e amine their capacity to block the function of PfI2WT. For this, oo cytes were pre injected with the deleted or mutated PfI2 proteins, incubated for 2 hr and followed by the injec tion of PfI2WT. Results showed that PfI2 as well as PfI2W16A were able to completely abrogate the function of PfI2WT as no GVBD was observed.
How ever, PfI2Y103A did not inhibit the function of PfI2WT. Inhibition of PfI2 function by synthetic peptides From the above results, it appears that W16 and Y103 of PfI2 are critical residues within the KTISW and HYNE motifs for binding inhibition of PP1 with a stron ger role for the former. Dacomitinib In addition, mutated PfI2 blocked the function of the full length PfI2WT. Consequently, we investigated whether synthetic peptides containing these motifs could bind to PP1 and inhibit the function of PfI2WT.