In June 1988 the EACIP became a separate committee consisting of 26 experts. In October 1992 and March 1997, the China EACIP members were reelected and the membership expanded to 28 and 30 experts, respectively, OSI-906 purchase appointed by the MOH. The latest election to the China EACIP was made in October 2004, as described
below. The members of the EACIP are nominated and appointed by the MOH. Tenure is valid until reelection. The Chair and assistant Chairs are similarly appointed although they serve in an honorary capacity. From October 2004, the EACIP consisted of 33 members: one Chair, three assistant chairs, 26 members with expertise in specific disciplines, and three secretaries. Membership selection criteria include: expertise in research and development of vaccines, testing and approval of vaccines, pediatrics, infectious diseases, immunology, management of health policy, public health, epidemiology and statistics, ethics, and health law. In addition, consideration is given to membership being representative of different
regions and social and economic status. EACIP does not have any members in observer status, and none of its members are officers of the MOH. The duties of selleck products the EACIP are wide ranging and include: formulation and modification of immunization regulation and strategies; advising the MOH on important strategies related to immunization; conducting field surveys and assessments to aid decision-making; and providing recommendations regarding personnel training and scientific exchange under the leadership of the MOH. The China EACIP carries out its role to provide technical advice relevant to immunization under the leadership of the MOH. The Department of National Immunization Program (NIP) of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) is responsible for the routine secretarial work of the EACIP. Its functions include obtaining background documents and literature
collection, data review, assisting the MOH to set the agenda, coordinating meeting logistics, writing minutes, drafting reports, routine communication with EACIP members, and other activities. Fig. 1 shows the relationship between EACIP, MOH and CCDC. The EACIP carries out its activities through four different no mechanisms: (1) plenary meetings involving all members, which are held once annually and initiated by the MOH; (2) working group meetings involving only some of the EACIP members, which are held by the MOH and the CCDC to resolve one or more specific technical issues; (3) correspondence meetings, which involve the circulation of written papers and documents about issues that need to be resolved with the collection of opinions of the EACIP experts; and (4) specific field surveys and supervision, with relevant experts participating at the invitation of the MOH or the CCDC. During each of these activities, members should avoid participating if there is considered to be any obvious conflict of interest.