It could be suggested from the present results that the produced whole body power output for the heavier athletes was not efficient enough for accelerating
the BCM during the propulsion. Vertical jumping performance was found to be different among athletes EGFR cancer from different sporting backgrounds, confirming similar comparisons.19 and 37 This study reproduces the finding that female TF exert larger power outputs in shorter impulse times compared to other athletes.19 This seems reasonable since the force parameters and power in particular has been found to be correlated with jumping height and thus they are considered to define jumping performance in women.37, 41, 44 and 46 In the present study, young adult female TF displayed a force-dependent SQJ execution compared to the other groups of athletes, since TF performed the SQJ using a “fast and strong” pattern. Sport specificity of SQJ execution could be supported by the individual plotting. Based upon the participants’ distribution in each section, TF are mainly at the “strong”, BA at the “fast”, PE at the “weak”, and Lapatinib HA at the “slow” section of the principal components plot. The present study reveals that female TF enabled a distinguished power pattern for executing the SQJ, confirming previous findings for male TF.22 and 26 An additional factor to support TF superiority in hjump
is thought to be connected with the finding that TF have a larger force production capacity of leg extensor muscles compared to other athletes, 17 with the knee extensors to be suggested as the major contributors to double leg vertical jump performance from a standing position. 1 and 47 It was also confirmed that VO adopted a jumping pattern emphasizing on long tC and low FZbm as found elsewhere. Thalidomide 26 Being in agreement with the previous studies, 22 and 26 team sport athletes were characterized by a less effective utilization of the SQJ force parameters than TF. Similar observations 37 have attributed this finding to the fact that TF use a larger
portion of single over double legged stationary jumps in training contrarily to the other groups. This training modality was found to be effective for strength and concentric power production of the lower extremities 47 and 48 and it composes a factor that is suggested to distinguish the jumping ability among TF and team sport athletes. 26 In general, differences in vertical jumping ability among different group of athletes has being attributed to the fact that prolonged training in a specific sport causes the central nervous system to program the muscle coordination for the execution of the jump according to the demands of that sport. 15 Despite the fact that previous PCA studies on vertical jumping accounted for a higher percentage of variance (ranging from 74.1% to 78.