One area is the lack of formal written terms of reference for the ACCD, as exist in many find more countries with vaccine advisory committees [12]. It is appropriate and timely that written terms of reference for the
ACCD be prepared and made public. In addition, though transparency is enhanced by having representation of a range of stakeholders, the public has not shown much interest in following the decision-making process and has not demanded access to its proceedings. However, the media has played a major role in questioning the validity of decision-making when the safety of a vaccine has been in question. This has led program managers to sensitize the media prior to any changes in the EPI schedule or the introduction of a new vaccine. Making proceedings of ACCD meetings
accessible to the public, including the media, is therefore Buparlisib datasheet worth considering for the future to ensure transparency and to pre-empt misinformation or the spread of rumours. Similarly, since trade unions in the health sector have significant influence in health-related matters due to their bargaining power, mechanisms are also needed to ensure that they are properly informed of the decision-making process related to the NPI. These measures can include organizing meetings with trade union representatives to discuss a new ACCD decision and reporting back to the ACCD on their concerns. Representatives of trade unions should also be made more aware of the fact that they can participate as external observers in ACCD meetings upon request. While ACCD membership now includes
a wide range of experts and stakeholders, health economists should be included on the Committee ADP ribosylation factor to ensure that financial and economic aspects of immunization are considered systematically. At present, many economic studies are conducted because of the personal interest of a handful of epidemiologists, with support from international health economists. The lack of health economists in Sri Lanka is a key obstacle to their inclusion on the ACCD; however, this situation should improve over time if postgraduate courses on Community Medicine add a health economics module to its curriculum and if post-doctoral community medicine trainees are encouraged to study health economics during their mandatory training overseas. It is widely recognized that having ACCD members declare conflicts of interest is critical to ensure transparency in the eyes of the general public [17], especially given the mounting criticism of doctors having financial interests in pharmaceutical companies, including those that produce vaccines [18]. Since the ACCD has, at present no rules regarding conflict of interest, it is advisable that conflict of interest guidelines be developed and implemented in the future.