Original recordings were then decimated (averaged 10 points, 1 ms

Original recordings were then decimated (averaged 10 points, 1 ms). Single peak spontaneous IPSCs with amplitudes greater than 2.1 times the SD of baseline noise were detected using a semiautomated sliding template detection procedure with AxoGraph X. The template was generated by averaging

multiple sIPSCs. Each detected event was visually inspected. Events were discarded if the average baseline noise (>300 ms) was greater than the peak ±1.5 s from the peak. Peak amplitudes were determined by averaging the current ±20 ms this website from the greatest upward deflection. The amplitude distribution of the baseline noise was measured by averaging the baseline current ±20 ms from the greatest upward deflection, 220 ms after a point set to 0 pA, once every 50 s (n = 26 cells). To compare the kinetics of eIPSCs to sIPSCs, spontaneous events with a single peak were selected. Duration of eIPSCs and sIPSCs was determined by measuring the width at 20% of the peak amplitude (see Figure 1C). All drugs were applied through

bath perfusion, except dopamine, which was applied by iontophoresis. Iontophoretic pipettes (70–110 MΩ) were filled with 1 M dopamine and the tip placed within 10 μm of the soma. A negative backing current (6–11 nA) prevented leakage. Dopamine was ejected with the application of positive current (2–6 s) with an Axoclamp 2A amplifier to elicit a maximal dopamine-induced outward current. A transgenic mouse expressing the human D2 dopamine receptor short isoform (hD2S) with a flag CB-839 mouse epitope on the amino terminus was generated by nuclear microinjection using standard techniques. The transgene consisted of an 8.5 kb genomic fragment from the rat tyrosine hydroxylase gene (TH) containing 5′ regulatory sequences, the basal promoter, and 26 base pairs from the 5′ untranslated region in exon 1 followed by a 0.7 kb cassette containing intron 2 and splice donor/acceptor sites from the rabbit beta-globin gene (Arttamangkul et al., 2008). The hD2S construct consisted of a consensus Kozak sequence, a signal peptide from the hemagglutinin

influenza followed by the sequence for the FLAG epitope (Vickery and von Zastrow, 1999), a full-length cDNA for the hD2S containing 1.4 kb of coding Cediranib (AZD2171) sequence and 1.0 kb of 3′ untranslated, and the bovine growth hormone polyA sequence from pcDNA 3.0 (Invitrogen). After cleavage by the signal peptidase of the signal sequence during translation, an hD2S protein with an amino terminus Flag epitope is expressed in TH-expressing neurons including the dopamine neurons of the midbrain, as shown by immunostaining with the M1 anti-Flag antibody (Sigma-Aldrich) using confocal microscopy on sections and two-photon microscopy on midbrain slice preparations (data not shown). CGP 35348 and 5-CT were obtained from Tocris Bioscience. Baclofen and sulpiride were obtained from Research Biochemical. MK-801 was obtained from Abcam.

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