Subjects participated in a familiarization session that included practicing
the Wingate Fedratinib concentration anaerobic capacity test. Testing sessions Participants were instructed to record all food ingestion on food record forms four days (4-d) prior to the start of the study. In addition, subjects were asked to fast for 8 hours and abstain from exercise for 48 hours prior to baseline testing. Once reporting to the lab, subjects donated a muscle biopsy and fasting blood samples using standard clinical procedures. Subjects were then weighed, had body water assessed using a bioelectrical impedance analyzer (BIA), and body composition assessed using a Dual-Energy AZD8186 molecular weight X-Ray Absorptiometer (DEXA). They also performed 1RM tests on the bench press and hip sled/leg press and performed a 30-second Wingate anaerobic capacity sprint test on a cycle ergometer. Subjects then began a 7-day initial supplementation phase. After 7 days, subjects repeated all tests with the exception of 1RM strength measures. The subjects then followed supplementation schedules for 21-days and returned to undergo all tests. This allowed for the assessment of acute and chronic supplementation protocols on muscle creatine levels, body composition, exercise performance, as well as markers of clinical health and safety. RSL3 molecular weight Participants were asked to maintain their current training programs and record all workouts.
Participants were also asked to report side
effects on a weekly basis. Supplementation protocol Participants were matched into one of three groups according to body weight, training status/experience, and age. Subjects were then mafosfamide randomly assigned to one of three groups to ingest, in a double blind manner, capsules containing CrM (Creapure® AlzChem AG, Trostberg, Germany, Lot #108631) or KA (Kre-Alkalyn® All American Pharmaceutical, Billings, MT, USA, Lot #1067000) at two different dosages. Supplements were provided by the supporting sponsor in red 0.75 gram (00 sized) capsules and placed in generic single-serving packets that were put in labeled containers for double-blind administration on a weekly basis. Creatine content of the capsules was independently verified by Covance Laboratories (Madison, WI). Certificate of analysis results are presented in Table 2. Participants in the CrM groups ingested 8 capsules per serving containing approximately 5 g of CrM four times daily (20 g/d) for 7-days and once per day (5 g/d) for 21-days. A small amount of dextrose (~60 mg per capsule) was added to the CrM capsules to enhance flowability during encapsulation. Participants in the KA creatine monohydrate equivalent group (KA-H) ingested 8 capsules per serving containing approximately 5 g of CrM four times daily (20 g/d) for 7-days and once per day (5 g/d) for 21-days.