Subjects were shown the first four parts in one session. After a short break, the second four parts were click here shown. Movie scenes at the end of fourth part and eighth part were matched to the movie scenes at the end of the first session and the second session of the Princeton movie study. Subjects were instructed simply to watch and listen to the movie and pay attention. The movie was projected with an LCD projector onto a rear projection screen that the subject could view through a mirror. The soundtrack for the movie was
played through headphones. In the face and object study, subjects viewed static, grayscale pictures of four categories of faces (human female, human male, monkeys, and dogs) and three categories of objects (houses, chairs, and shoes). Images were presented for 500 ms with 2 s interstimulus intervals. Sixteen images from one category were shown in each block, and subjects performed a one-back repetition detection task. Repetitions were different pictures of the same face or object. Blocks were separated by 12 s blank intervals. One block of each stimulus category was presented in each of eight runs. In the animal
species study, subjects viewed static, color pictures of six animal species (ladybug beetles, luna moths, mallard ducks, yellow-throated warblers, ring-tailed lemurs, and squirrel monkeys). Stimulus images showed full bodies of animals cropped out from the original background and KU-57788 chemical structure overlaid on a uniform gray background. Images subtended approximately 10° of visual angle. These images were presented to subjects using a slow event-related design with a recognition
memory task. In each event, three images of the same species were presented for 500 ms each in succession followed by 4.5 s of fixation cross. Each trial consisted of six stimulus events for each species plus one 6 s blank event (fixation cross only) interspersed with the stimulus events. Each trial was followed by a probe event, and the subject indicated whether the probe event was identical to any of the events seen during the trial. Order of events was assigned pseudorandomly. Six trials were presented in each Adenylyl cyclase of ten runs, giving 60 encoding events per species for each subject. Data were preprocessed using AFNI (Cox, 1996; All further analyses were performed using MATLAB (version 7.8, MathWorks) and PyMVPA (Hanke et al., 2009; Software for hyperalignment is available as part of PyMVPA (Hanke et al., 2009;, and data from these studies also can be downloaded from the PyMVPA website. Activation in a set of voxels at each time point can be considered as a vector in a high-dimensional Euclidean space with each voxel as one dimension. We call this a time-point vector and the space of voxels a voxel space.