var walliana M (Asteraceae) collected from Souk-Ahras, eastern

var. walliana M. (Asteraceae) collected from Souk-Ahras, eastern Algeria. The structures were established by spectral analysis, mainly HRESI-MS, UV

and 2D-NMR experiments (COSY, HSQC and HMBC).”
“To report a case of superior orbital fissure syndrome (SOFS) in a patient with herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO).

A case report.

A 71-year-old male with HZO presented acutely to accident and emergency complaining of right vision loss, double vision and drowsiness. The right visual acuity was counting fingers. There was no relative afferent pupillary defect. He had interstitial keratitis, ptosis, proptosis and total ophthalmoplaegia. The signs indicated HZO complicated by SOFS. Brain imaging and lumbar puncture confirmed the diagnosis of varicella zoster encephalitis. Systemic acyclovir and prednisolone Anlotinib led to recovery of visual acuity and ocular motility in addition to resolution of his proptosis and ptosis.

SOFS is a rare complication of herpes zoster infection. With the appropriate treatment and follow-up, patients may be reassured that recovery of their visual acuity and ocular motility will occur.”
“Hydatid disease

caused by the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus is a worldwide problem especially in sheep and cattle raising countries.

Muscle involvement is most commonly encountered as recurrence of previously treated disease or concurrently with primary lesions of the liver or lung. Furthermore, the rarity of muscle hydatidosis has unique implications learn more in diagnosis and management.

We report on three cases of primary echinococcus of the gluteus muscles presented in our clinic during a 10-year period.

We buy GF120918 have administered

albendazole for one cycle of 28 days in two of our patients based on the size and appearance of the cyst. All patients underwent total pericystectomy without cyst rupture. We have not found any recurrences after minimum follow up of 12 months.

Muscle echinococciasis respond well to surgical intervention. Complete and intact removal of the cyst in primary muscular hydatidosis should be considered curative.”
“IntroductionWe investigated the effect of combined use of rituximab (RTX) and plasmapheresis (PP) pre-transplant on post-transplant infection.

MethodsA total of 196 patients undergoing living-donor kidney transplantation at Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, all of whom underwent basiliximab induction therapy, were included in the study. They were divided into 3 groups: RTX/PP/intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) (the RPI group; n=53), RTX monotherapy (the RTX group; n=14), and control (the CONT group; n=129). We compared the post-transplant infections in the 3 groups.

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