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Acta Med Indones 2009, 41:70–74.PubMed 51. Sun XF, Zhang H: NFKB and NFKBI polymorphisms in relation to susceptibility of tumour and other diseases. Histol Histopathol 2007, 22:1387–1398.PubMed 52. Charalambous MP, Lightfoot T, Speirs V, Horgan K, Gooderham NJ: Expression of COX-2, NF-kappaB-p65, NF-kappaB-p50 and IKKalpha in malignant

and adjacent normal human colorectal tissue. Br J Cancer 2009, 101:106–115.PubMedCrossRef 53. Xiao ZQ, Majumdar AP: Induction of transcriptional activity of AP-1 and NF-kappaB in the gastric mucosa Decitabine during aging. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2000, 278:G855–865.PubMed 54. Lee JY, Zhao L, Youn HS, Weatherill AR, Tapping R, Feng L, Lee WH, Fitzgerald KA, Hwang DH: Saturated fatty acid activates but polyunsaturated fatty acid inhibits Toll-like receptor 2 dimerized with Toll-like receptor 6 or 1. J Biol Chem 2004, 279:16971–16979.PubMedCrossRef 55. Lee JY, Plakidas A, Lee WH, Heikkinen A, Chanmugam P, Bray G, Hwang DH: Differential

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Figure 3 shows a typical cross-sectional image of silicon with th

Figure 3 shows a typical cross-sectional image of silicon with the Selleckchem Napabucasin anodic alumina mask after the immersion in 5 mol dm-3 HF solution containing a relatively high AgNO3 concentration of 2 × 10-2 mol dm-3 for 5 s. From this SEM image, it was confirmed that the Ag nanowires were grown inside the nanopores of anodic alumina mask in a direction perpendicular to the surface of silicon substrate. The periodicity of Ag nanowires, which was determined by the pore interval of the anodic alumina mask formed at 40 V, was approximately 100 nm. Note that each Ag nanowire has almost the same diameter, determined by the pore size of the alumina mask, while the length of Ag nanowires was mainly determined by the immersion time. Figure

3 Ag nanowire arrays formed on Si substrate. SEM image of Ag nanowire arrays formed on Si substrate through anodic porous alumina mask. Metal deposition was conducted in a solution of 2 × 10-2 mol dm-3 AgNO3 and 5 mol dm-3 HF for 5 s. By decreasing the concentration of AgNO3, the size of the deposited Ag dots could be optimized. After the immersion in 5 mol dm-3 HF solution containing 2 × 10-3 mol dm-3 AgNO3 for 15 s, the surface of silicon was observed using SEM. In this case, the anodic

alumina film used as a mask was dissolved during the electroless deposition of Ag. Because the prolongation of deposition time caused the interlocking of the deposited Ag owing to the excessive deposition of Ag nanoparticles, the period of electroless metal deposition was standardized to 15 s. As shown in Figure 4a, well-ordered Ag nanodot arrays on the silicon substrate corresponding to the configuration Angiogenesis inhibitor of a self-organized pore arrays in the anodic alumina mask were observed. To evaluate the size of the deposited Ag dots, AFM observation was also carried out. As indicated in Figure 4b, the diameter and height

of Ag dots were approximately 40 nm and approximately 20 nm, respectively. Although the regularity of the configuration of Ag nanodot arrays was not always sufficient, the regularity of these patterns is thought to be affected by the morphology and the thickness of the aluminum PAK6 film deposited by sputtering as shown in Figure 2a. In general, pore arrangement of porous alumina is known as an imperfect structure. Especially, its structure shows only short-range ordering at the initial stage of anodization. Many studies demonstrate the fact that it is impossible to obtain almost perfect hexagonal pore arrangement in anodic alumina film when thin aluminum film sputtered on a solid substrate is applied as a specimen [17, 20–22, 24–26]. To improve the regularity of pore arrangement of porous alumina, two-step anodization [27] or nanoindentation process [28] are found to be a useful technique. Figure 4 Ag nanodot arrays formed on Si substrate. (a) SEM image of Ag nanodot arrays formed on Si substrate through anodic porous alumina mask. (b) AFM tapping mode image.

Nat Med 2007, 13:1510–1514 PubMedCrossRef 40 Wright JS 3rd, Jin

Nat Med 2007, 13:1510–1514.PubMedCrossRef 40. Wright JS 3rd, Jin R, Novick RP: Transient interference with staphylococcal quorum sensing blocks abscess formation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2005, 102:1691–1696.PubMedCrossRef 41. Traber KE, Lee E, Benson S, Corrigan R, Cantera M, Shopsin B, Novick RP: agr function in clinical staphylococcus aureus isolates. Microbiology 2008, 154:2265–2274.PubMedCrossRef 42. Park SY, Chong

YP, Park HJ, Park KH, Moon SM, Jeong JY, Kim MN, Kim SH, Lee SO, Choi SH, Woo JH, Kim YS: agr dysfunction learn more and persistent methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus bacteremia in patients with removed eradicable foci. Infection 2013, 41:111–119.PubMedCrossRef 43. Falkow S: Bacterial entry into eukaryotic cells. Cell 1991, 65:1099–1102.PubMedCrossRef 44. Garzoni C, François P, Huyghe A, Couzinet S, Tapparel C, Charbonnier Y, Renzoni A, Lucchini S, Lew DP, Vaudaux P, Kelley WL, Schrenzel J: A global view of staphylococcus aureus whole genome expression upon internalization in human epithelial cells. BMC Genomics 2007, 8:171.PubMedCrossRef 45. Wesson CA, Liou LE, Todd KM, Bohach GA, Trumble WR, Bayles KW: Staphylococcus aureus Agr and Sar global regulators BAY 57-1293 influence internalization and induction of

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in staphylococcus aureus device-associated infections. PLoS Pathog 2012, 8:e1002626.PubMedCrossRef 47. Rudkin JK, Edwards AM, Bowden MG, Brown EL, Pozzi C, Waters EM, Chan WC, Williams P, O’Gara JP, Massey RC: Methicillin resistance reduces the virulence of Low-density-lipoprotein receptor kinase healthcare-associated methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus by interfering with the agr quorum sensing system. J Infect Dis 2012, 205:798–806.PubMedCrossRef 48. Morfeldt E, Tegmark K, Arvidson S: Transcriptional control of the agr -dependent virulence gene regulator, RNAIII, in staphylococcus aureus . Mol Microbiol 1996, 21:1227–1237.PubMedCrossRef 49. Beenken KE, Mrak LN, Griffin LM, Zielinska AK, Shaw LN, Rice KC, Horswill AR, Bayles KW, Smeltzer MS: Epistatic relationships between sarA and agr in staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation. PLoS One 2010, 5:e10790.PubMedCrossRef 50. CLSI: Methods for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobically; approved standard. 9th edition. Wayne, PA: CLSI document M07-A9. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2012. 51. De Jonge BLM, De Lencastre H, Tomasz A: Supression of autolysis and cell wall turnover in heterogeneous Tn 551 mutants of a methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus strain. J Bacteriology 1991, 173:1105–1110. 52.

TEAC: Trolox Equivalent

Antioxidant Capacity Physical ac

TEAC: Trolox Equivalent

Antioxidant Capacity. Physical activity and dietary intake Subjects were instructed to maintain their normal physical activity throughout the study period, with the exception of refraining from strenuous physical activity during the 24 hours prior to each test day and during the 48 hours following each test day. They were also given specific instructions regarding abstinence from 3-MA order alcohol, medication, and dietary supplement consumption during the 24 hours immediately before the test days and during the 48 hours following each test day. Dietary intake was to be maintained as usual through the study period, with the exception of reporting to the lab in a fasted state on each of the two test days (no food, caffeine, or calorie containing beverages allowed after midnight). No food records were maintained in this study, which may be considered a limitation of this work. Exercise test days On each of the two exercise test days, subjects Linsitinib reported to the lab in the morning following an overnight fast. However, subjects were instructed to consume water liberally up to the time they reported to the lab for testing. Adherence to study instructions was confirmed with all subjects on each day of testing by use of a dichotomous questionnaire. Specifically, on the day of testing, we used an in-lab questionnaire

asking subjects if they consumed any food since midnight the night before, or any alcohol, caffeine, or nutritional supplements during the prior 24 hours. We also used phone questionnaires during the study period asking subjects if they exercised since the last study Farnesyltransferase visit, used any vitamin and/or mineral supplements since the last study visit, or taken acetaminophen since the last study visit. For testing days, the time of day for each subject was matched for the subsequent test day. Following all baseline measurements and approximately 45 minutes prior to the

start of the knee extension exercise protocol, subjects were provided with a standardized breakfast consisting of a bagel, one tablespoon of low fat cream cheese, 8 ounces of orange juice, and water ad libitum. On the test days, subjects took their assigned MSM dose immediately prior to the standardized breakfast. For the exercise test, subjects performed a total of 18 sets of knee extension exercise using a plate-loaded machine (Key Fitness Products, LP; Garland, TX). Sets 1–15 were performed at a predetermined weight for 10 repetitions each, while sets 16–18 were performed to muscular failure. Specifically, subjects performed 5 sets of 10 repetitions at 30% 1-RM for a total of 50 repetitions, followed by a 3 minute rest. Subjects then performed 5 sets of 10 repetitions at 45% 1-RM for a total of 50 repetitions, followed by a 3 minute rest.

(B), SDS-PAGE analysis under non-reducing

(B), SDS-PAGE analysis under non-reducing Ku-0059436 and reducing conditions of purified hDM-αH-C6.5 MH3B1 visualized by Coomassie Blue staining. Lanes 1, 4, 5, and 8, MW markers in kDa (Invitrogen); lanes 2 & 3, hDM-αH-C6.5 MH3B1 at 1 and 2 μg, respectively, not reduced; lane 6 & 7, hDM-αH-C6.5 MH3B1 at 1 and 2 μg, respectively, reduced. (C), Size exclusion chromatography of hDM-αH-C6.5 MH3B1 under non-reducing condition using a Sepharose-6 column. For comparison, molecular weight standards were analyzed under identical conditions. hDM-αH-C6.5 MH3B1 unlike hPNP-αH-C6.5 MH3B1 converts the non-toxic prodrug F-dAdo to the cytotoxic drug, F-Ade The activity of hDM-αH-C6 MH3B1 was examined

in a spectrophotometeric assay in which conversion of F-dAdo to

F-Ade was followed by a decrease in absorbance at 260 nm and a concurrent increase in absorbance at 280 nm. The fusion protein had a K M of 264 μM and a k cat of 0.155 s-1 with an overall efficiency of 586 M-1s-1 (Fig. 2A, Table 1). When compared to the enzymatic activity of hDM fused to a short a nti- H ER2/n eu p eptide called AHNP [5, 15], hDM-αH-C6.5 MH3B1 showed a two-fold reduction in K M with a two-fold increase in k cat , with the Selleck PD0332991 overall efficiency of the enzyme remaining unchanged with respect to F-dAdo. Unlike the wild-type PNP, enzymatic activity of hDM-αH-C6.5 MH3B1 with respect to guanosine was weak (data not shown). A cell based assay confirmed that the fusion protein converts F-dAdo to a cytotoxic OSBPL9 agent. First, a concentration

of F-dAdo was determined that was not toxic to cells, but if converted to F-Ade, would inhibit cellular proliferation; this concentration was 1.5 μM for CT26 or CT26HER2/neu and 6 μM for MCF-7HER2 cells. CT26 or CT26Her2/neu cells grew normally when either 1.5 μM of F-dAdo or 0.2 μM of hDM-αH-C6.5 MH3B1 was added (Fig. 2B), but when added together, F-dAdo was converted to F-Ade by hDM and cell proliferation was inhibited (Fig. 2B). In a similar experiment using MCF7-HER2 cells, addition of 6 μM F-dAdo or 0.1 μM of hDM-αH-C6.5 MH3B1 did not affect cell proliferation (Fig. 2C); however, addition of hDM-αH-C6.5 MH3B1 in the presence of 6 μM F-dAdo inhibited cell proliferation in a dose dependent manner with half-maximum inhibition of proliferation at 0.6 nM, and complete inhibition of cell proliferation at 2 nM (Fig. 2C). Since no toxicity was seen with 6 μM of F-dAdo or 0.1 μM of hDM-αH-C6.5 MH3B1 (Fig. 2C), the observed cytotoxicity must be the result of the conversion of F-dAdo to F-Ade through the enzymatic activity of hDM. In summary, F-dAdo is toxic to cells only when cleaved to the cytotoxic drug, F-Ade by hDM-αH-C6.5 MH3B1. Significantly, F-Ade inhibits proliferation of a variety of cell types including the murine colon carcinoma CT26 or CT26HER2/neu and the human breast cancer line MCF7-HER2, as well as melanoma tumor cell line, B16 and murine B-cell tumor cells, 38C13 (data not shown).

This fails to adequately reflect the data within

these ci

This fails to adequately reflect the data within

these cited studies. The majority of those studies compared the BGB324 manufacturer co-ingestion of protein and carbohydrate versus carbohydrate alone [11, 12] or versus a different source of protein whilst maintaining similar amounts of carbohydrates [13–15]. Moreover, the last cited study [16] analysed the impact of supplementation timing, not supplement composition. To date there are no clinical studies comparing the impact of the co-ingestion of carbohydrate-protein with just protein supplement on LBM. Interestingly, Wilkinson et al. [14] and Hartman et al. [13] both compared different sources of protein (milk versus soy) which also contained appreciable levels of carbohydrate. Both beverages had similar amounts

of carbohydrate but the glycemic index (GI) differed: soy group contained maltrodextrin while milk group had lactose (as expected). Yet it was the lower GI supplement (milk) which generated the greatest net gain in lean mass [13] and higher fractional synthesis rate [14]. In these studies, at least, GI was not positively associated with muscle gains. To date only three studies [10, 17, 18] have addressed the impact of combined carbohydrate with protein/amino acids versus protein/amino acids alone on acute protein synthesis in young adults. These studies demonstrate that adding carbohydrate to a protein dose that alone is known to maximally stimulate protein synthesis PF-562271 in vivo (20-25 g of high-quality protein rich in leucine) has no additive or synergic effect on muscle Dichloromethane dehalogenase protein synthesis and breakdown. The same result has recently also been demonstrated in older subjects [19]. Converging with those data, the addition of 30 g or 90

g of carbohydrates to 20 g of essential amino acids produces the same effect on protein synthesis and protein breakdown, regardless the great difference in insulinemia in both groups [20]. Insulin seems to only further increase protein synthesis at pharmacological doses [21], which means that it is not achievable by carbohydrate supplementation. There remain valid reasons for the inclusion of carbohydrates into protein supplements that are to be consumed following resistance exercise. These included the maximization of glycogen restoration, especially when the time period between exercise sessions is short [22]. However, based on the available clinical data, there is no evidence that the addition of carbohydrates to a protein supplement will increase, acutely, muscle protein synthesis and, chronically, LBM to a greater extent than protein alone, which is in contrast to the statements of Stark and colleagues [1]. Conclusion and perspectives There is a growing body of literature analysing the impact that co-ingestion of protein-carbohydrate versus carbohydrate alone has on protein synthesis.

The major limitation of the present work was its retrospective na

The major limitation of the present work was its retrospective nature. Moreover, it is noteworthy that most HCC patients in China have a hepatitis B virus-positive background, which differs from studies in Japan, Europe, and the United States. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper demonstrating the implications of 5-hmC and IDH2 in HCC. Our findings indicate that a high expression of 5-hmC and IDH2 predicts comparably less aggressive tumor behavior. Importantly, 5-hmC expression (particularly when combined with IDH2 expression) enables us to more accurately predict the true prognosis of HCC patients. Moreover,

given the proposed epigenetic nature of 5-hmC and IDH2, the therapeutic manipulation of 5-hmC and IDH2 will assist in guiding clinical strategies. Conclusions In summary, 5-hmC and IDH2 correlate with less aggressive tumor behavior in HCC. Low 5-hmC or IDH2 expression alone and combined 5-hmC and IDH2 expression were associated with lower OS rates and higher cumulative recurrence rates. When 5-hmC and IDH2 are considered together, they serve as a prognostic marker in patients with surgically resected HCCs. Acknowledgments Financial support by the grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.81272389, 81030038); National Key Sci-Tech Project (2012ZX10002011-002); And Scholarship Award

for Excellent Doctoral Student granted by Ministry of Education (JFF152005). Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Figure Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase S1: Diagram figure to summarize the biological functions of IDH2 and 5-hmC. (DOC 55 KB) Additional file 2: Table S1: Summary of the clinicopathological features of the training and validation cohort. Table S2. Summary of the correlations of 5-hmC and IDH2 protein expression with clinicopathological features in validation cohort (N=328). Table S3. Summary of univariate and multivariate analyses of 5-hmC and IDH2 protein expression associated with survival and recurrence

in validation cohort (N=328). (DOCX 28 KB) References 1. El-Serag HB: Hepatocellular carcinoma. N Engl J Med 2011, 365:1118–1127.PubMedCrossRef 2. Maluccio M, Covey A: Recent progress in understanding, diagnosing, and treating hepatocellular carcinoma. CA Cancer J Clin 2012, 62:394–399.PubMedCrossRef 3. Rodriguez-Paredes M, Esteller M: Cancer epigenetics reaches mainstream oncology. Nat Med 2011, 17:330–339.PubMedCrossRef 4. Liu WR, Shi YH, Peng YF, Fan J: Epigenetics of hepatocellular carcinoma: a new horizon. Chin Med J 2012, 125:2349–2360.PubMed 5. Berdasco M, Esteller M: Aberrant epigenetic landscape in cancer: how cellular identity goes awry. Dev Cell 2010, 19:698–711.PubMedCrossRef 6. Liu X, Chen X, Yu X, Tao Y, Bode AM, Dong Z, Cao Y: Regulation of microRNAs by epigenetics and their interplay involved in cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 2013, 32:96.PubMedCentralPubMedCrossRef 7.

Most often, this is the simplest technique to produce nanoscale s

Most often, this is the simplest technique to produce nanoscale structures, and this is the main reason of the recent wide interest, as revealed by comprehensive compilations. Some reviews [1–4] exhaustively describe the different existing technologies, mainly based on electrophoretic forces [5], capillary forces [6, 7], dip coating [8, 9], and ink-jet printing [10], among others. Top-down approaches, such as lithography or ion sputtering, have smaller chances to be able to produce large-scale low cost materials than bottom-up wet methods, despite the limitations of techniques such as spinning or sedimentation. Mono- and multilayers of

nanospheres have a huge number of promising electrical GDC-0068 and optical applications [11–14]; some benefiting from the high surface-to-volume ratio to, for example, foster a new generation of ultrafast bulk battery electrodes [15], scaffolds

of macroporous materials [16, 17], while others benefit from the dimension of the periodicity of three-dimensional (3D) structures making them suitable for photonic [18–20] or terahertz applications [21]. The technique used in this work is known as electrospray. It consists of producing a fine aerosol by dispersion of a liquid by application of a high electric field between an emitter, usually a thin needle, and a flat electrode. Above a given voltage threshold, a Taylor Olaparib cone develops [22] and the liquid tip becomes unstable breaking into small droplets. The main application of electrospray is found in the ion source of mass spectrometers, although it has also been recently used as a nanoparticle deposition method [23–25], polymer thin film deposition [26], or to create photonic balls [27]. To our knowledge, electrospraying of nanofluids or colloidal solutions of nanometer-size spheres to produce full 3D

self-assembled crystals has not been reported so far. A very comprehensive work on state-of-the-art colloidal crystals has recently been published [1] where a few indicators of the crystal quality produced by the various techniques are summarized and compared, namely the thickness, area, deposition time, and optical quality. We have drawn in Figure 1 a radial plot of selected information from Table MRIP one in [1] for some of the deposition techniques reported there. We have not included the indicators concerning four techniques, namely motor-drawing, sedimentation, cell confinement, and air-water interface due to the poor results compared to the rest. Figure 1 Radial plot of quality indicators for some of the most relevant colloidal crystal fabrication techniques. Deposition time, area, thickness, and quality of the photonic crystal are compared. The technology introduced in this work is the electrospray, in solid black.

Nano-liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-MSM

Nano-liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-MSMS) nLC-MS/MS with Collision Induced Dissociation (CID) was performed on a linear trap quadrupole fourier transform (LTQ FT, Thermo Fisher, Waltham, MA) integrated with an Eksigent nano-LC. A prepacked reverse-phase

column (Microtech Scientific C18 with a dimension of 100 μm x 3.5 cm) containing resin (Biobasic C18, 5-μm particle size, 300-Å pore size, Microtech Scientific, Fontana, CA) was used for peptide chromatography and subsequent CID analyses. ESI conditions using the nano-spray source (Thermo Fisher) for the LTQ-FT were set as follows: capillary temperature of 220°C, tube lens 110 V, and a spray voltage of 2.5 kV. The flow rate for reverse-phase chromatography was 5 μl/min for loading and 300 nl/min for the analytical separation (buffer A: 0.1% formic acid, 1% acetonitrile; buffer B: 0.1% formic acid, Ceritinib purchase HM781-36B cost 100% acetonitrile). Peptides were resolved by the following gradient: 2–60% buffer B over 40 min, then increased to 80% buffer B over 10 min and then returned to 0% buffer B for equilibration of 10 min. The LTQ FT was operated in data-dependent mode with a full precursor scan at high-resolution (100000 at m/z 400) and six MSMS experiments at low resolution on the linear trap while the full scan was completed. For CID the intensity threshold was set to 5000, where mass range was 350–2000. Spectra

were searched using Mascot software not (Matrix Science, UK) in which results with p < 0.05 (95% confidence interval) were considered

significant and indicating identity. The data was also analyzed through Sequest database search algorithm implemented in Discoverer software (Thermo Fisher, Waltham, MA). Identification of the core, non-core, and pan-genome of Bordetella “”Core”" regions were defined as genome sequences that were present in all 11 Bordetella genomes, while “”non-core”" regions were defined as genome sequences that are not present in all genomes. RB50 was used as the reference genome. For each of the other 10 sequences, genomes were mapped to the reference genome using Nucmer [27]. All 10 “.coords” output files from the Nucmer program were analyzed to identify overlap regions based on RB50 coordinates using a Perl script. Finally, “core” sequences were extracted based on the genome sequence of RB50 with the coordinates calculated above. Unshared regions were then added to the reference genome to make a “revised” reference genome, which contained the original sequence plus unshared sequences. This process was repeated until all of the genomes were compared to include all unshared sequences included in the pan-genome. The core region was subtracted from the pan-genome of all the 11 genomes, and the remaining regions were identified as non-core regions. Hierarchical clustering using Cluster and Java Tree View 844 non-core fragments with more than 1000 bp were identified.

Forty years ago, Frisch and Revelle [38] put forward the “critica

Forty years ago, Frisch and Revelle [38] put forward the “critical weight” hypothesis suggesting that a minimum weight (48 kg) or body fat (22%) should be attained to trigger the complex series of events leading to the development of secondary sexual features. More recently, some but not all epidemiologic

studies from the United States of America [39] indicated that the secular trend of earlier puberty in girls would coincide with the progressing prevalence of overweight and obesity in children [40, 41]. Nevertheless, when this association was found, the question remained whether earlier pubertal timing was the result or cause of higher body fat [42]. Among putative nutrition or fat mass-related mediators, leptin was specially taken into account. From the analysis of experimental and clinical evidence, it

emerges that leptin could not be considered as a critical factor Selleckchem Sotrastaurin [43] that would determine the wide interindividual variability in pubertal timing, as repeatedly observed in a large number of healthy adolescent populations [37, 44], as well as in our cohort with menarcheal age ranging from 10.2 to 16.0 years. Leptin should rather be considered as playing a permissive role in the triggering of the pubertal maturation process [43]. The secular trend in earlier puberty check details was also observed in a very large longitudinal multi-cohort study from Denmark with annual measurements of BW and H in 156,835 school children born Immune system from 1930 to 1969 [45, 46]. However, this trend was recorded irrespective of the BMI level as assessed at 7 years of age [45, 46]. Thus, there is no evidence that fat mass would be an essential physiological factor causally implicated in the marked variability of pubertal maturation onset, as worldwide monitored in healthy children. In our study, the difference in BMI gain between healthy, non-obese girls who will experience their first menses relatively earlier (12.1 years) and later (14.0 years), was already significant from 1.0 to

8.9 years of age. In absolute terms at 8.9 years of age, BW was 31.6 ± 5.0 and 28.1 ± 4.0 kg in the earlier and later groups, respectively. The corresponding BMI values were 17.4 ± 2.2 and 16.4 ± 1.8 kg/m2 in the earlier and later subgroup, respectively. In a previous UK study in healthy girls of similar age (8.6 ± 0.2 year), BW (29.5 ± 5.7 kg), and H (1.31 ± 0.05 m), with BMI of 16.9 kg/m2, fat mass was estimated from total body water measurement by deuterium dilution [47]. Using this validated method for measuring children body composition [48], fat mass amounted to 8.0 ± 3.7 kg corresponding to 27% of BW [47]. In our study, the increased BW from 1.0 to 8.9 years of age was 22.1 and 18.9 kg in earlier and later maturers, respectively.