Treatment of positional/deformational plagiocephaly includes cons

Treatment of positional/deformational plagiocephaly includes conservative measures, primarily behavior modification, and, in some cases, helmet therapy, whereas lambdoid synostotic plagiocephaly requires surgical intervention, making differentiation of the cause of the asymmetry critical.”
“Purpose: To study the effect of protocolized measurement (three times daily) of the Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) versus measurement on indication on the degree of implementation of the Rapid Response System (RRS). Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted in a University Hospital in Amsterdam between September and November 2011. Patients who were admitted for at least one overnight stay were included. Wards

were randomized to measure the MEWS three times daily (“protocolized”) versus measuring the MEWS ZD1839 chemical structure “when clinically indicated” in the control group. At the end of each month, for an entire seven-day week, all vital signs recorded for patients were registered. The outcomes were categorized into process measures including the degree of implementation AZD7762 inhibitor and compliance to set monitoring standards and secondly, outcomes such as the degree of delay in physician notification and Rapid Response Team (RRT) activation in patients with raised MEWS (MEWS bigger than = 3). Results: MEWS calculations from vital signs occurred in 70% (2513/3585) on the protocolized wards versus 2% (65/3013) in the control

group. Compliance with the protocolized regime was presents in 68% (819/1205), compliance in the control group was present in 4% (47/1232) of the measurements. There were 90 calls to primary physicians on the protocolized and 9 calls on the control wards. Additionally on protocolized wards, there

were twice as much RRT calls per admission. Conclusions: Vital signs and MEWS determination three times daily, results in better detection of physiological abnormalities and more reliable activations of the RRT. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Introduction: Dengue fever is a major impact on public health vector-borne disease, and its transmission is influenced by entomological, sociocultural and economic factors. Additionally, climate variability plays an important role in the transmission dynamics. A large scientific consensus has indicated that the strong association between climatic variables learn more and disease could be used to develop models to explain the incidence of the disease. Objective: To develop a model that provides a better understanding of dengue transmission dynamics in Medellin and predicts increases in the incidence of the disease. Materials and methods: The incidence of dengue fever was used as dependent variable, and weekly climatic factors (maximum, mean and minimum temperature, relative humidity and precipitation) as independent variables. Expert Modeler was used to develop a model to better explain the behavior of the disease.

“Sericin is a protein present in

silk cocoons, whi

“Sericin is a protein present in

silk cocoons, which envelopes the fibers with sticky layers. Silk proteins ( Sericin and fibroin) are biodegradable and biocompatible. If the sericin is recovered, it can present significant SNX-5422 chemical structure and social benefits, as it is discarded in silk processing industry along with waste water. The influence of sericin, as a binding agent, on bulk, compressional and tabletting characteristics of propranalol Hydrochloride tablet formulation was studied in comparison with the effect of standard binder, starch. Method of sericin extraction was developed and optimized and the yield was 12.75%. Granules, containing Propranalol HCl, were prepared and evaluated for crushing strength, friability and flowability. Granules showed comparable physical characteristics concerning flow properties and crushing strength. Tablets were prepared using sericin and starch Z-DEVD-FMK as a binder separately and compared for weight variation, hardness, friability, and disintegration and in-vitro dissolution. Sericin yield was 12.75%. Tablets made from sericin had the highest crushing strength and lowest tendency to laminate. All the formulated tablets had friability values less than 1% at the concentration used in the study. Granules exhibited angle of repose in the range

of 29(0)-31(0) and crushing strength ranged between 400-600 gms. Sericin did not influence the dissolution of drug by its presence in the dosage form. Two-way ANOVA test showed no significant differences for tablet parameters. Sericin as a binder was comparable to potato starch. The characterization of the formulation suggests that sericin can be developed in to a commercial binding agent for tablets.”
“Normal atrial conduction requires similar abundances and homogeneous/overlapping distributions of two connexins (Cx40 and Cx43). The remodeling of myocyte connections and altered electrical conduction associated with atrial fibrillation (AF) likely involves perturbations

of these connexins. Rocilinostat We conducted a comprehensive series of experiments to examine the abundances and distributions of Cx40 and Cx43 in the atria of AF patients. Atrial appendage tissues were obtained from patients with lone AF (paroxysmal or chronic) or normal controls. Connexins were localized by double label immunofluorescence confocal microscopy, and their overlap was quantified. Connexin proteins and mRNAs were quantified by immunoblotting and gRT-PCR. PCR amplified genomic DNA was sequenced to screen for connexin gene mutations or polymorphisms. Immunoblotting showed reductions of Cx40 protein (to 77% or 49% of control values in samples from patients with paroxysmal and chronic AF, respectively), but no significant changes of Cx43 protein levels in samples from AF patients. The extent of Cx43 immunostaining and its distribution relative to N-cadherin were preserved in the AF patient samples.

Ectatic lymph vessels, entrapment, and diffuse drainage of contra

Ectatic lymph vessels, entrapment, and diffuse drainage of contrast medium correlated with impaired lymphatic drainage. In conclusion, MRL at 3.0T provides very high spatial resolution and anatomical detail of normal and abnormal peripheral lymph vessels. MRL may thus become a valuable tool for microsurgical treatment planning and monitoring.”

the emergence of the Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) movement, the nature and role of evidence in medicine has been much debated. The formal classification of evidence that is unique to Evidence-Based Medicine, referred to as the Evidence hierarchy, has been fiercely criticized. Yet studies that examine how Evidence is classified in EBM practice are rare. This article presents an observational LDN-193189 purchase study of the nature of Evidence and Evidence-Based Medicine as understood and performed in practice. It does this by examining how click here an absence of Evidence is defined and managed in Evidence-Based Guideline development. The EBM label does not denote the quantity or quality of evidence found, but the specific management of the absence of evidence, requiring a transparently reported process of evidence searching, selection

and presentation. I propose the term Evidence Searched Guidelines’ to better capture this specific way of being’ EBM. Moreover, what counts as Evidence depends not just on the Evidence hierarchy, but requires agreement between the members of each guideline development group who mobilize a range of other’ knowledges, such as biological principles and knowledge of the clinic. In addition, I distinguish four non-Evidentiary justifications that are relied upon in the formulation of recommendations

(literature, qualified opinions, ethical principles, and practice standards). These are not always secondary to Evidence but may be positioned outside the hierarchy, allowing them to trump Evidence. The legitimacy of Evidence-Based Medicine relies neither on experts nor numbers, but on distinct procedures for handling (non-)Evidence, reflecting its regulatory objectivity’. Finally, the notion of transparency is central selleckchem for understanding how Evidence-Based Medicine regulates, and is regulated within, contemporary biomedicine.”
“Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is the most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma in children and adolescents, but at least 30% of cases occur in patients older than 60 years, and the absolute number of BL cases in adults exceeds those in childhood. BL is described as a monomorphic proliferation of medium-sized transformed B cells with round nuclei, clumped chromatin, basophilic cytoplasm, and squared-off cell borders, cytoplasmic vacuoles, medium-sized paracentral nucleoli, and a starry sky pattern. Translocation involving MYC is characteristic but not specific for BL. No single parameter is the gold standard for diagnosis; morphology, cytogenetics, immunophenotype, and gene expression profiles all may contribute to the diagnosis.

“The N-H and C-D bond fission in partially deuterated meth

“The N-H and C-D bond fission in partially deuterated methylamine, CD3NH2, has been investigated using

vibrationally mediated photodissociation. Jet-cooled action spectra and FG-4592 datasheet Doppler profiles of the H and D photofragments were monitored following similar to 243.1 nm photodissociation of the parent pre-excited to two, three or four N-H stretch quanta. The action spectra were analyzed in terms of simplified local mode/normal mode (LM/NM) and NM models, allowing band assignment and determination of the strong resonances involved in the coupling. The Doppler profiles show that the released H and D photofragments have low translational energy content and that the H is the dominant product, although its yield decreases as higher pre-excited N-H vibrational states are dissociated. The dynamics of the site-dependent bond fission in CD3NH2 is discussed. (C) U0126 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3122983]“
“Sixteen patients with hypopharyngeal carcinoma who underwent

laryngopharyngectomy had immediate reconstruction with a free ileocolic flap to restore voice and swallowing. All patients had satisfactory voice production and swallowing in the early postoperative stage. Maintaining adequate tension and decreasing redundancy of the transferred colon prevented food pooling and provided smooth, rapid swallowing. A wedge resection of the subserosa of the ileocecal valve to increase the intraluminal pressure helped prevent food reflux and provide good phonation. Although this modified technique yielded good initial results, both voice and swallowing deteriorated after concurrent chemoradiotherapy, possibly because of radiation

injury to the transferred bowel.”
“We use negative binomial (NB) models for the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based brain lesion count data from parallel group (PG) and baseline versus treatment (BVT) trials for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) patients, and describe the associated likelihood ratio (LR), score, and Wald tests. We perform power analyses and sample size estimation using FG-4592 manufacturer the simulated percentiles of the exact distribution of the test statistics for the PG and BVT trials. When compared to the corresponding nonparametric test, the LR test results in 30-45% reduction in sample sizes for the PG trials and 25-60% reduction for the BVT trials.”
“Aim To determine whether the bone mass of young people with Down syndrome may increase, following a 21-week conditioning training programme including plyometric jumps. Method Twenty-eight participants with Down syndrome (13 females, 15 males) aged 10 to 19 years were divided into exercise (DS-E; n=14; eight females, six males mean age 13y 8mo, SD 2y 6mo) and non-exercise (DS-NE; n=14; five females, nine males mean age 15y 5mo, SD 2y 6mo) groups.

In conclusion, treatment with a high-fiber, low-fat diet for 8 we

In conclusion, treatment with a high-fiber, low-fat diet for 8 weeks effectively improved periodontal disease markers as well as metabolic profiles, selleck chemicals llc at least in part, by effects other than the reduction of total energy intake. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“We have examined the effects of core-shell intermixing on the dynamical magnetism of gamma-Fe2O3/MnO nanoparticles. The core and shell phases were identified using x-ray diffraction, and x-ray absorption spectroscopy identified Mn ions in both octahedral and tetrahedral sites, consistent with a significant amount of substitution at the core-shell interface to form an Fe/Mn-ferrite. The dynamical

response was probed by Mossbauer spectroscopy, which decouples surface and core spins, and suggested a change in the relaxation behaviour among the spin populations within gamma-Fe2O3/MnO relative to the gamma-Fe2O3 seed particles. Interestingly, the magnetic

relaxation effects at the atomic scale, measured via Mossbauer spectroscopy, AR-13324 were enhanced, indicating that the addition of an MnO shell and intermixing affected the dynamical freezing process which altered the surface magnetism of the gamma-Fe2O3 core. Our results show that both the MnO shell and the interfacial intermixed layer are important in determining the core-shell nanoparticle magnetism. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.”
“This study explores the possibility of noninvasively inducing long-term changes in human corticomotor excitability by means of a brain-computer interface, which enables users to exert internal control over the cortical rhythms recorded from the scalp. We demonstrate that self-regulation of electroencephalogram rhythms in quietly sitting, naive humans significantly affects the subsequent corticomotor response to transcranial magnetic stimulation, producing durable and correlated changes in neurotransmission. Specifically, we show that the intrinsic suppression of alpha cortical rhythms can in itself produce robust increases STA-9090 in corticospinal excitability

and decreases in intracortical inhibition of up to 150%, which last for at least 20 min. Our observations may have important implications for therapies of brain disorders associated with abnormal cortical rhythms, and support the use of electroencephalogram-based neurofeedback as a noninvasive tool for establishing a causal link between rhythmic cortical activities and their functions.”
“Background: Deliberative public engagement has been proposed for policy development, where issues are complex and there are diverse public perspectives and low awareness of competing issues. Scholars suggest a range of potential outcomes for citizens and government agencies from involvement in such processes. Few studies have examined outcomes from the perspective of citizen participants in deliberative processes.

These showed wide variation, ranging from 1: 5 26 for Chemflex to

These showed wide variation, ranging from 1: 5.26 for Chemflex to 1: 1.25 for Fuji IX.”
“The epidermal click here growth factor receptor (EGFR) is targeted for lysosomal degradation by ubiquitin-mediated interactions with the ESCRTs (endosomal-sorting complexes required for transport) in multivesicular bodies (MVBs). We show that secretory carrier membrane protein, SCAMP3, localizes in part to early endosomes and negatively regulates EGFR degradation through processes that involve its ubiquitylation and interactions with ESCRTs. SCAMP3 is multimonoubiquitylated and is able to associate with Nedd4 HECT ubiquitin ligases and the ESCRT-I subunit

Tsg101 via its PY and PSAP motifs, respectively. SCAMP3 also associates with the ESCRT-0 subunit Hrs. Depletion of SCAMP3 in HeLa cells by inhibitory RNA accelerated degradation of EGFR and EGF while inhibiting recycling. Conversely, overexpression enhanced EGFR recycling unless ubiquitylatable lysines, PY or PSAP motifs in SCAMP3 were mutated. Notably, dual depletions of SCAMP3 and ESCRT subunits suggest that SCAMP3 has a distinct function in parallel with the ESCRTs that regulates

receptor degradation. This function may affect trafficking of receptors from prelysosomal compartments as SCAMP3 depletion appeared to sustain the incidence of EGFR-containing MVBs detected by immunoelectron microscopy. Together, our results suggest that SCAMP3, its modification with ubiquitin, and its interactions with ESCRTs coordinately regulate endosomal pathways and affect the efficiency of receptor THZ1 down-regulation.”
“To get

high yield of ethanol-soluble proteins (EP) and the antioxidant peptides from Sphyrna lewini muscle, orthogonal experiments (L-9(3)(4)) were applied to optimize the best extraction conditions and enzyme hydrolysis conditions. The yield of EP reached 5.903 +/- 0.053% under the optimum conditions of ethanol concentration 90%, solvent to material ratio 20:1, extraction temperature of 40 degrees C and extraction time of 80 min. The antioxidant SEPH (EP hydrolysate of S. lewini muscle) was prepared by using papain selleck inhibitor under the optimum conditions of enzymolysis time 2h, total enzyme dose 1.2%, enzymolysis temperature 50 degrees C and pH 6, and its DPPH radical scavenging activity reached 21.76 +/- 0.42% at the concentration of 10 mg/ml. Two peptides (F42-3 and F42-5) were isolated from SEPH by using ultrafiltration, anion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration chromatography and RP-HPLC. The structures of F42-3 and F42-5 were identified as Trp-Asp-Arg and Pro-Tyr-Phe-Asn-Lys with molecular weights of 475.50 Da and 667.77 Da, respectively. F42-3 and F42-5 exhibited good scavenging activity on hydroxyl radical (EC50 0.15 mg/ml and 0.24 mg/ml),ABTS radical (EC50 0.34 mg/ml and 0.12 mg/ml), and superoxide anion radical (EC50 0.09 mg/ml and 0.11 mg/ml), but moderate DPPH radical (EC(50)3.63 mg/ml and 4.11 mg/ml).

1/Nkx2 2 and Lhx1/7 exclusively in the rostral portion Both alar

1/Nkx2.2 and Lhx1/7 exclusively in the rostral portion. Both alar ACY-1215 datasheet regions are mainly connected with subpallial areas strongly implicated in the limbic system and show robust intrahypothalamic connections. Caudally, both regions project to brainstem centers and spinal cord. All these data support that in terms of topology, molecular specification, and connectivity the subdivisions of the anuran alar hypothalamus possess many features shared with their counterparts in amniotes, likely controlling similar reflexes, responses, and behaviors. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:725759, 2013. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.”
“Musculoskeletal injury and inflammation

is associated with performance of repetitive and forceful tasks. In this study, we examined the effects of performing

a voluntary, highly repetitive, negligible force (HRNF) reaching task on spinal cord neurochemicals involved in nociception. To our knowledge, no other laboratories are examining spinal cord nociceptive neurochemicals in response to repetitive motion-induced injury and inflammation. The purpose of this study was to extend our earlier findings related to central neurotransmitters from a low demand task to a higher demand task. Specifically, this study determined immunoreactivity of a peptidergic pro-nociceptive transmitter (substance P) and one of its receptors, neurokinin-1 (NK-1) receptor, in spinal cord dorsal horns in rats performing a HRNF reaching task for 6-10 CYT387 in vivo weeks. The relationship of these spinal cord changes with the number of TNF alpha immunopositive cells in flexor forelimb muscles and with previously observed forearm grip strength changes from these same rats were examined. Performance of the HRNF task resulted in significantly increased substance P and NK-1 receptor immuno reactivity in the superficial lamina of spinal cord dorsal horns at 6 and 10 weeks compared to trained controls (p < 0.01).The increased substance P and NK-1 receptor immmunoreactivity were positively correlated with declines in forearm grip strength, an assay of movement-related

Selleck Copanlisib hyperalgesia (r= 0.70, p < 0.01 and r= 0.64, p < 0.05, respectively). The increased substance P and NK-1 receptor immmunoreactivity were also positively correlated with increased TNF immunopositive cells in forelimb flexor muscles (r= 0.85, p < 0.001 and r= 0.88, p < 0.001, respectively). Thus, our highly repetitive task leads to increased spinal cord pro-nociceptive neurochemicals that are most likely directed by forelimb muscle inflammation and pain. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.”
“We report a child presenting with severe demyelinating myelitis complicated with critical illness polyneuropathy. This previously healthy 8-month-old boy presented with acute Superior limb weakness, absent tendon reflexes, and respiratory failure.

Aim: This article introduces the feline

Aim: This article introduces the feline buy Elafibranor practitioner to basic techniques required to effectively utilize diagnostic laparoscopy within feline medical investigations. It focuses on the common procedures of liver biopsy, cholecystocentesis, pancreatic biopsy, kidney biopsy and laparoscopic-assisted intestinal biopsy. Evidence base: Information provided in this article is drawn from the published literature and the authors’ own clinical experience.”
“Objective To describe the profile of inpatient consultations seen in department

of pediatric dermatology at a tertiary care children’s hospital. Methods The authors performed a retrospective review of all pediatric dermatology inpatient consultation data from medical record section over a period of 42 mo from January 2010 through June 2013. All children 18 y and below were included in the study. Results A total of 486 inpatient consultation services were given by

pediatric dermatology department. About 124 (25.5 %) of consultations were in the age group of infancy followed by 103 (21.1 %) consultations in the school going age children. Most frequent consultation request was from general pediatrics (49.4 %) followed by pediatric intensive care (37.9 %). The most common diagnostic categories included cutaneous infection (115, 23.7 %), emergency skin conditions (62, 12.8 %), genodermatosis (58, 11.9%) and skin disorders secondary to systemic illness (55, 11.3 %). Conclusions learn more This study highlights

the spectrum of conditions that clinicians must be aware that can be seen in general pediatric wards and intensive care unit. This study also highlights the role of pediatric dermatologist in giving care to hospitalized children.”
“Background: A medically induced coma is an anesthetic state of profound brain inactivation created to treat status epilepticus Selleckchem LY2603618 and to provide cerebral protection after traumatic brain injuries. The authors hypothesized that a closed-loop anesthetic delivery system could automatically and precisely control the electroencephalogram state of burst suppression and efficiently maintain a medically induced coma.\n\nMethods: In six rats, the authors implemented a closed-loop anesthetic delivery system for propofol consisting of: a computer-controlled pump infusion, a two-compartment pharmacokinetics model defining propofol’s electroencephalogram effects, the burst-suppression probability algorithm to compute in real time from the electroencephalogram the brain’s burst-suppression state, an online parameter-estimation procedure and a proportional-integral controller. In the control experiment each rat was randomly assigned to one of the six burst-suppression probability target trajectories constructed by permuting the burst-suppression probability levels of 0.4, 0.65, and 0.9 with linear transitions between levels.

Of these, 488 infants were included in cohort 1 (C1) (births from

Of these, 488 infants were included in cohort 1 (C1) (births from January 1, 1990 to June 30, 1992) and 253 in cohort 2 (C2) (from January 1, 2011 to September Navitoclax molecular weight 14, 2012). Results: More mothers (96.8%) initiated breastfeeding in C2 compared with those in C1 (65.6%) (p smaller than 0.001). Additionally, 41.4% of mothers in C2 breastfed for more than 6 months, relative to 25.8% in C1 (p smaller than 0.001). The benefits

of breastfeeding were endorsed by more women in C2 (45.8%) compared with C1 (11.4%) (p smaller than 0.01). Reasons for stopping feeding remained largely consistent. Conclusions: Significant improvements were evident in the initiation and duration of breastfeeding of the VP infant over time. This improvement was associated with attitudinal shifts in mothers about 3-MA in vivo the benefits of breastfeeding.”
“Early results of the fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab (FCR) regimen in 224 patients showed that it was highly active as initial therapy of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. In

this report, we present the final results of all 300 study patients at a median follow up of 6 years. The overall response rate was 95%, with complete remission in 72%, nodular partial remission in 10%, partial remission due to cytopenia in 7%, and partial remission due to residual disease in 6%. Two patients (< 1%) died within 3 months of starting therapy. Six-year overall and failure-free survival were 77% and 51%, respectively. Median time to progression was 80 months. Pretreatment characteristics independently associated with inferior response were age 70 years or older, beta 2-microglobulin twice the upper limit of normal (2N) or more, white cell count 150 x 10(9)/L or more, abnormal chromosome 17, and lactate dehydrogenase

2N or more. No see more pretreatment characteristic was independently associated with decreased complete remission duration. The risk of late infection was 10% and 4% for the first and second years of remission, respectively, and less than 1.5% per year for the third year onward. In a multivariate analysis of patients receiving fludarabine-based therapy at our center, FCR therapy emerged as the strongest independent determinant of survival.”
“Background The timing of bowel preparation for colonoscopy influences the quality of bowel cleansing and the success of the procedure. Aim We aimed to determine whether the interval between the end of bowel preparation and the start of colonoscopy influences preparation quality. Methods We retrospectively analysed 1785 colonoscopies performed between January 2010 and January 2011. The quality of bowel cleansing was compared between those who had a less than 8-h interval between the end of bowel preparation to the start of the procedure versus those who had a greater than 8-h interval.

However, such targeting of the nanocarrier is not effective if th

However, such targeting of the nanocarrier is not effective if the encapsulated drug within the liposome is not released at the intended site. Drug release can be influenced by both the membrane composition of the liposome and the choice of drug. In addition to environmental triggers, such as low pH and the presence of particular enzymes, external stimuli such as heat or ultrasound have gained attention in the PXD101 clinic. This review provides a summary of the various approaches to modifying drug release from liposomes.”
“Microbial production of higher alcohols from renewable feedstock has attracted intensive attention thanks to its potential as a source for next-generation

gasoline substitutes. Here we report the discovery, characterization and engineering of an endogenous 1-butanol pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Upon introduction of a single gene deletion adh1 Delta, S. cerevisiae was able to accumulate more than 120 mg/L 1-butanol from glucose in rich medium. Precursor feeding, C-13-isotope labeling and gene deletion experiments

demonstrated that the endogenous 1-butanol production was dependent on catabolism of threonine in a manner similar to fusel alcohol production Selleckchem Autophagy Compound Library by the Ehrlich pathway. Specifically, the leucine biosynthesis pathway was engaged in the conversion of key 2-keto acid intermediates. Overexpression of the pathway enzymes and elimination of competing pathways achieved the highest check details reported 1-butanol titer in S. cerevisiae (242.8 mg/L). (C) 2014 International Metabolic Engineering Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved”
“In this study, hemoglobin vesicle (HbV), a type

of artificial oxygen carrier, was infused in a hemorrhagic shock model, and the findings were compared with those of red blood cell (RBC) transfusion to evaluate the effects on blood pressure and renal function. In rats maintained in hemorrhagic shock for 30 min under general anesthesia, either irradiated stored RBCs from the same strain or HbVs were used for resuscitation. Blood pressure, serum creatinine concentration, and creatinine clearance 24 h after shock were measured. At 2 and 24 h after shock, the kidneys were removed, and the heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) mRNA level was measured. A histopathology study was performed 24 h after shock. In both the RBC and HbV group, blood pressure recovered significantly immediately after fluid resuscitation, and blood pressure 24 h after shock did not differ significantly between the two groups. Serum creatinine concentration and creatinine clearance 24 h after shock did not differ significantly between the two groups. After 24 h, there was no significant difference in HO-1 mRNA between the groups.