e , qP and qL) decreased gradually (Fig  1): sun plants had highe

e., qP and qL) decreased gradually (Fig. 1): sun plants had higher values (about twofold) than in those kept in the shade (for definition of individual ChlF selleck chemicals llc parameters see Tables 1, 2). Significant rise of electron transport rate (ETR) across PSII, as calculated from fluorescence data, was found in plants grown under HL (up to ~1,800 μmol photons m−2 s−1), while it was very low in the case of shade plants and did not change at higher light intensities (Fig. 1b). In these plants,

thermal dissipation of excitation energy, as expressed by non-photochemical quenching of ChlF (NPQ) and of quantum yield of non-photochemical quenching (ΦNPQ), showed similar trends to that shown by calculated ETR, but more Entospletinib nmr energy was dissipated as heat between ~390 and ~1,160 μmol photons m−2 s−1 of light intensity (Fig. 1d, f). Data shown in subfigures a, c, and e of Fig. 1 will be discussed later. Fig. 1 Chlorophyll

a fluorescence parameters derived from the rapid light curves (at 0, 152, 246, 389, 554, 845, 1164, 1795, and 2629 μmol photons m−2 s−1, 15 s). a The photochemical efficiency of PSII (ΦPSII), b electron transport rate (ETR, inferred from fluorescence measurements after correction for different leaf absorbances, and assuming that PSII:PSI ratio is 1:1; Genty et al. 1989). c Photochemical quenching (qP) based on the selleck chemical Osimertinib research buy “puddle” model (connectivity parameter (p) between different PSIIs = zero). d Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), e photochemical quenching (qP) based on the “lake” model [connectivity parameter (p) between PSII units = 1]. f Quantum yield of non-photochemical quenching (ΦNPQ). Measurements were performed on penultimate leaves of spring barley plants acclimated to different light intensities (open circle sun leaf—100 % of daylight, filled circle shade leaf—13 % of daylight, their entire growth period). Mean values ± SE from 4 replicates In shade plants, compared to sun plants, fast ChlF induction curve (the OJIP curve; see reviews: Stirbet and Govindjee 2011,

2012) showed no significant differences in F 0 and F m values and hence, the maximum quantum yield of PSII photochemistry ΦPo was almost unaffected by the leaf ambient light environment. However, the shape of fast ChlF induction (Fig. 2a) was not identical in sun and shade leaves suggesting possible differences in energy fluxes at the donor as well as at the acceptor side of PSII (Strasser et al. 2000); this conclusion is supported by the calculated ChlF parameters (Table 4). Fig. 2 a Chlorophyll a fluorescence induction curves at 3,500 μmol photons m−2 s−1 of continuous red light up to 1 s for the sun and the shade leaves. Dark adaptation was for 30 min (for other details, see the legend of Fig. 1).

Nucleic Acids Res 2002, 30:e36 CrossRefPubMed Authors’ contributi

Nucleic Acids Res 2002, 30:e36.CrossRefPubMed Authors’ contributions CL participated in the study design, carried out the microbiological studies and helped to draft the manuscript. AC carried out the microbiological studies. SL conceived RGFP966 supplier of the study, participated in the study design, carried out the microbiological studies, performed the statistical analysis and drafted the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript..”
“Background Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum is a phytopathogenic enterobacterium responsible for soft rot, a disease characterized by extensive plant tissue maceration caused by a variety of secreted enzymes. The major pathogeniCity determinants

are an arsenal of extracellular pectinases, including several pectate lyase isozymes:

pectin lyase, pectin methylesterase, and pectin polygalacturonase. In addition, a range of other degradative enzymes, such as cellulase and proteases, play equivocal roles in virulence [1]. Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum also produces one or more antibacterial substances called bacteriocins, which enhance their competitiveness with other related rival species [2]. The ability of this bacterial species to produce Vactosertib concentration bacteriocin has been exploited in many biological PLX-4720 clinical trial control programs for the soft-rot disease of Chinese cabbage [3–5]. In view of this, identification and cloning of the gene(s) controlling bacteriocin

production may facilitate the development of wider and more innovative control methods, such as the cloning of these gene(s) into Chinese cabbage, tobacco, and other susceptible plants to produce resistant cultivars. In our previous paper, the brg gene was found to encode a regulator required for the expression of the low-molecular-weight bacteriocin (LMWB) in a strain of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum [1]. The gene is homologous to hfq and encodes a protein with similar functions [1, 6]. The genetic determinant encoding LMWB synthesis was designated the Carocin S1 genetic determinant, which consists of two structural genes, caroS1K (encoding killer protein) and caroS1I (immunity protein). Clear zones Liothyronine Sodium of inhibition around CaroS1K producer colonies are due to CaroS1K antibiotic activity. Carocin S1-associated nuclease activity has also been demonstrated [7]. The carocin S1 gene has been isolated from Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum 89-H-4 and functionally expressed after introduction into Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum Ea1068a (a non-bacteriocin-producing strain). From our previous studies, glucose, as well as SOS agents, can also induce the carocin S1 gene. Using the same Carocin S1-producing strain of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum, genes controlling the LMWB have been cloned and sequenced, and homology to the flhD/C operon demonstrated.

At La Jolla, we had found that the phycoerythrin fraction in the

At La Jolla, we had found that the phycoerythrin fraction in the unicellular alga Porphyridium cruentum (which I had earlier learned to culture on enriched seawater media, thanks to a comment from E. G. Pringsheim) had the same blunted spectrum as that found in Porphyra (later Smithora) naiadum, one of the algae Blinks and I had studied. R. L. Airth in Blinks’s lab had been using electrophoresis to purify its biliproteins and the existence of a protein complex

was being considered. At La Jolla while renewing investigations on the phycobilins, little studied since R. Lemberg’s days, Colm O’hEocha and I had found that column chromatography on tri-calcium phosphate, by the new method of Homer Scott Swingle

and Arne Tiselius, BAY 80-6946 in vitro check details was a powerful new tool for comparative studies of algal biliproteins, leading us, most notably, to establish the natural and wide occurrence of a fraction we called allophycocyanin, presuming it to be the same pigment observed by Lemberg in long-stored material. O’hEocha introduced this methodology to Airth and Blinks during a summer study at the Hopkins Marine Station, leading them to abandon the idea of a complex, as we did for the name P-phycoerythrin we had given, in the interim, to this novel biliprotein. In 1960, R. Lemberg, then an immigrant to Australia, took great pleasure in showing me crystals of R-phycoerythrin preserved in ammonium sulfate on a slide that were in perfect condition after over 30 years.  Some of the simply displayed action spectra from Blinks, and my publication were widely duplicated in textbooks to illustrate selleck chemical spectral assimilation and pigment involvement in representative phototrophic systems of eukaryotes. They were also key to estimating spectral assimilation

curves for photosynthesis with depth in the ocean by the principle tetracosactide algal groups, part of the photosynthesis exhibits that Melvin Calvin had organized as the US contribution to the science pavilion at the 1958 World Fair in Brussels, Belgium. The highlight of the US exhibit was a somewhat Rube Goldberg model of the Calvin–Benson carbon cycle which upon illumination of an artificial leaf traced “lit up” carbon from carbon dioxide, through the various intermediates to sucrose which was ejected as a lump of sugar. Neither could match as crowd pleaser the model of Sputnik that the USSR had on display on the same floor. But in calculating these curves I failed to consider that in broad natural light fields, light absorbed by accessory pigments would have a marked enhancing effect on spectral performance at the ends of the spectrum, notably in phycoerythrin-rich red and blue-green algae (Haxo 1963).

Cary for her diligent bibliographic work in compiling the majorit

Cary for her diligent bibliographic work in compiling the majority of the references. Fruitful discussion and comments on the manuscript were provided by E. Leger, T. Rand, A. Dyer, J. Gaskin, K. Rice, and the V. Eviner lab. We also thank two anonymous reviewers whose comments substantially improved the manuscript.

Appendix See Table 6. Table 6 Dataset and references for the statistical analysis Species name Family Geographic rangea (GR) Habitat specificityb (HS) Local abundancec (LA) Life history Pollination syndrome Dispersal (biotic/abiotic) Specific dispersal Mating system Referenced Acacia ausfeldii Fabaceae S S D check details Perennial   Biotic Ant   Brown et al. ( 2003 ) XMU-MP-1 Acacia sciophanes Fabaceae S G S Perennial Biotic     Mixed Coates et al. ( 2006 ) Acacia williamsonii Fabaceae S S D Perennial   Biotic Ant   Brown et al. ( 2003 ) Agrostis hiemalis Poaceae

L G S Perennial         Rabinowitz and Rapp Selleckchem C646 (1979) and Rabinowitz and Rapp ( 1985 ) Alchemilla fontqueri Rosaceae S S S Perennial Abiotic Abiotic Wind Mixed Blanca et al. ( 1998 ) and Baudet et al. (2004) Alyssum nevadense Brassicaceae S G S Perennial Biotic Abiotic Ballistic   Blanca et al. ( 1998 ), Melendo et al. (2003) and Ivorra (2007) Arenaria nevadensis Caryophyllaceae S S S Annual Biotic Abiotic Ballistic Sexual Blanca et al. ( 1998 ), Melendo et al. (2003), Baudet et al. (2004), and Lopez-Flores et al. (2008) Armeria filicaulis subsp. trevenquiana Plumbaginaceae S S

S Perennial Biotic Both   Asexual Blanca et al. ( 1998 ), Melendo et al. (2003) and Baudet et Adenosine triphosphate al. (2004) Artemisia alba subsp. nevadensis Asteraceae S G S Perennial Abiotic Abiotic Ballistic   Blanca et al. ( 1998 ) and Melendo et al. (2003) Artemisia granatensis Asteraceae S G S Perennial Abiotic Abiotic   Asexual Blanca et al. ( 1998 ), Melendo et al. (2003), and Baudet et al. (2004) Artemisia umbelliformis Asteraceae L G S Perennial         Blanca et al. ( 1998 ) and USDA PLANTS Database (2009) Betula pendula subsp. fontqueri Betulaceae L S S Perennial         Blanca et al. ( 1998 ) and Flora Iberica (2009) Boopis gracilis Calyceraceae L S D Annual         Ghermandi et al. ( 2004 ) Brassica insularis Brassicaceae S S S Perennial Biotic     Sexual Hurtrez Bousses ( 1996 ) and Glemin et al. (2008) Centaurea gadorensis Asteraceae S G S Perennial Biotic Biotic Ant   Blanca et al. ( 1998 ), Melendo et al. (2003) and Lorite et al. (2007) Cephalanthera rubra Orchidaceae L G S Perennial Biotic     Mixed Blanca et al. ( 1998 ) and Brzosko and Wroblewska (2003) Chenopodium scabricaule Chenopodiaceae L S D Perennial         Ghermandi et al.

PubMedCrossRef 20 Versalovic J, Koeuth T, Lupski JR: Distributio

PubMedCrossRef 20. Versalovic J, Koeuth T, Lupski JR: Distribution of repetitive DNA sequences in eubacteria and application to fingerprinting of bacterial Tariquidar price genomes. Nucleic Acids Res 1991, 19:6823–6831.PubMedCrossRef 21. Lane DJ: 16S/23S rDNA sequencing. In Nucleic acid techniques in bacterial systematics. Edited by: Stackebrand E, Goodfellow M. Chichester, United Kingdom: Wiley; 1991:115–175. 22. Guasp C, Moore ER, Lalucat J, Bennasar A: Utility of internally transcribed

16S-23S rDNA spacer regions for the definition of Pseudomonas stutzeri genomovars and other Pseudomonas species. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2000, 50:1629–1639.PubMedCrossRef 23. Sierra JM, Martinez-Martinez L, Vázquez F, Giralt E, Vila J: Relationship between mutations in the gyrA gene and quinolone resistance in clinical isolates of Corynebacterium striatum and Corynebacterium amycolatum . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2005, 49:1714–1719.PubMedCrossRef 24. Khamis A, Raoult D, La Scola B: rpoB gene sequencing for identification of Corynebacteriu species. J Clin Microbiol 2004, 42:3925–3931.PubMedCrossRef 25. Campanile F, Carretto E, Barbarini D, Grigis selleck screening library A, Falcone M, Goglio A, Venditti M, Stefani S: Clonal multidrug-resistant Corynebacterium striatum strains, Italy. Emerg Infect Dis 2009, 15:75–78.PubMedCrossRef 26. Librado P, Rozas J, DnaSP v5: A software for comprehensive analysis of

DNA polymorphism data. Bioinformatics 2009, 25:1451–1452.PubMedCrossRef 27. Jolley KA, Feil EJ, Chan MS, Maiden MC: Sequence type analysis and recombinational

tests (START). Bioinformatics 2001, 17:1230–1231.PubMedCrossRef 28. Huson DH, Bryant D: Application of phylogenetic networks in evolutionary studies. Mol Biol Evol 2006, 23:254–267.PubMedCrossRef 29. Kallow W, Erhard M, Shah HN, Raptakis E, Welker M: MALDI-TOF MS for microbial identification: years of experimental PTK6 Barasertib ic50 development to an established protocol. In Mass Spectrometry for Microbial Proteomics. Edited by: Shah HN, Gharbia SE, Encheva V. London: John Wiley & Sons; 2010. 30. Scotta C, Bennasar A, Moore ERB, Lalucat J, Gomila M: Taxonomic characterisation of ceftazidime-resistant Brevundimonas isolates and description of Brevundimonas faecalis sp. Syst Appl Microbiol 2011, 34:408–413.PubMedCrossRef Authors’ contributions MGo carried out the molecular genetic studies, participated in the sequence analysis and drafted the manuscript. FR coordinated samples collection and decided patient treatments. MCG and MGa carried out the isolation and phenotypic and the antibiogram analysis. FR, JBS and JL conceived the study. All co-authors participated in the design of the study and coordination and helped to the draft manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) including uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), neonatal meningitis E. coli (NMEC), and avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC), cause infection in humans and/or animals [1].

Inconveniently, the type of the former section Pachybasium, T ha

Inconveniently, the type of the former section Pachybasium, T. hamatum, belongs to this section, rendering the name ‘section Pachybasium’ obsolete. As in other clades of Trichoderma, phialides generally tend to be more plump with PND-1186 mw increasing complexity of the conidiation system, i.e. with a lower l/w ratio in pustules than in solitary, effuse conidiophores. However,

this buy Sotrastaurin is not the case in many species of this section, particularly in H. rufa and H. viridescens. The section conceived here is monophyletic; it is phylogenetically complex and a morphological species delimitation of anamorphs is difficult. Teleomorph morphology is essentially homogeneous. All species are characterised by more or less hairy or velutinous and often subeffuse Napabucasin stromata when young, of mostly small or moderate sizes with few exceptions, and generally inconspicuous ostiolar dots. More distinct or projecting dots may sometimes occur as a consequence of repeated drying and rehydration. It is generally easy with a good hand lens to determine whether stromata belong to the section or not but, due to a high degree of morphological

conservation of the teleomorphs, the possibilities of morphological species delimitation are limited. Some teleomorphs, e.g. those of H. neorufa and H. neorufoides, are indistinguishable. In addition, not all traits that may be useful for identification are always present in a colony of stromata. Based on the colour of stromata, two series of species can be recognised: those with orange to orange-brown stromata, largely coinciding with the so-called ‘T. koningii aggregate species group’ (see Samuels et al. 2006a) and those with reddish brown to dark brown stromata mostly with the ‘viride or viridescens clades’ (see Jaklitsch et al. 2006b). However,

several species form separate subsectional clades. Due to extensive and thorough investigations by Gary Samuels, many new species have been discovered and described in recent years, but the section Trichoderma has not yet been monographed as a whole. Even from the papers cited above it is obvious that species delimitation on a world-wide scale based on teleomorphs is impossible. Considering why species like T. martiale (Hanada et al. 2008), which has essentially the T. viride morphology, anamorphs also will eventually not provide sufficient variation for species delimitation and identification. Ecological and biogeographic traits are therefore increasingly gaining importance in the species concept in addition to phylogeny. Species descriptions In Europe currently the following 13 species including four new ones of the section Trichoderma forming teleomorphs are recognised: H. atroviridis, H. junci, H. koningii, H. neorufa, H. neorufoides, H. ochroleuca, H. petersenii, H. rogersonii, H. rufa, H. stilbohypoxyli, H. subeffusa, H. valdunensis, and H. viridescens. They are described below. Species of Hypocrea/Trichoderma section Trichoderma known so far to occur in Europe exclusively as anamorphs, such as T.

Peaks below a fluorescence threshold level of 50 were excluded ex

Peaks below a fluorescence threshold level of 50 were excluded except where a clear trend of same t-RF was detected in other

samples. Estimation of relative quantity of P. phosphoreum was done by calculating the ratio of its peak area to the total peak area generated in the chromatogram. Statistical analysis of t-RFLP profiles The relative abundance of each t-RF in the profile was calculated by dividing the respective peak area of each t-RF with the ACY-738 research buy total peak area generated between 50-600 base pairs. The profiles from different combinations of labelled primers and restriction enzymes were all combined in one dataset for principal component analysis (PCA) to enhance the analytical power of the model. PCA of t-RFLP profiles from different fish MK-8931 datasheet samples was performed using the Unscrambler version 9.5 (Camo ASA, Oslo, Norway). The data was not weighed in order to maintain the ability of t-RFLP to quantitatively discriminate between peaks, representing different taxonomic units. Full cross validation was used. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Air and MAP LS samples stored at -2°C were analysed at the beginning, mid- and at the end selleck inhibitor of storage. About

175 g of fish fillets were cut in pieces and dispersed evenly on a sampling dish (plastic tray). Measurements and identification of volatiles was done according to Olafsdottir et al. [9]. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the AVS Funds of the Ministry of Fisheries in Iceland, the Icelandic Center for Research (ICR) and the European Commission through the Chill-On Integrated Project (FP6-016333-2). The authors would also like to thank Professor Jeffrey Hoorfar for his help in the manuscript preparation. References 1. Olafsdottir G, Lauzon HL, Martinsdottir E, Oehlenschlager J, Kristbergsson K: Evaluation of shelf-life of superchilled cod ( Gadus morhua ) fillets and influence of temperature fluctuations on microbial and chemical quality indicators.

Journal of Food Science 2006, 71:97–109.CrossRef 2. Magnusson H, Sveinsdottir K, Lauzon HL, Thorkelsdottir A, Martinsdottir E: Keeping quality of desalted cod fillets BCKDHA in consumer packs. Journal of Food Science 2006, 71:70–76.CrossRef 3. Martin RE, Gray RJH, Pierson MD: Quality assessment of fresh fish and the role of the naturally occurring microflora. Food Technology 1978, 5:188–192. 4. Richards MP, Nelson NM, Kristinsson HG, Mony SS, Petty HT, Oliveira AC: Effects of fish heme protein structure and lipid substrate composition on hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 2007, 55:3643–3654.CrossRef 5. Gram L, Huss HH: Microbiological spoilage of fish and fish products. International Journal of Food Microbiology 1996, 33:121–137.CrossRefPubMed 6. Beatty SA, Gibbons NE: The measurement of spoilage in fish. Journal of Biological Board of Canada 1937, 3:77–91. 7. Shewan JM, Hobbs G, Hodgkiss W: The Pseudomonas and Achromobacter groups of bacteria in the spoilage of marine white fish.

Synthesized AgNPs are readily available in solution with high den

Synthesized AgNPs are readily available in solution with high density and are stable. Among several natural sources, plant and plant products

are available easily, and it facilitates synthesis of nanoparticles fairly rapidly. In addition, leaf extracts contain alkaloids, tannin, steroids, phenol, saponins, and flavonoids in aqueous extracts. On the basis of these compounds found in the extracts, we expect that the proteins or polysaccharides or secondary metabolites of leaf extracts can reduce the Ag+ ions to Ag0 state and form silver nanoparticles. In recent years, various plants have been explored for synthesis of silver and gold nanoparticles. Recently, Singhal et al. [6] synthesized silver nanoparticles using Ocimum Nutlin-3a chemical structure sanctum leaf extract showed significant antibacterial activity against E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Although several studies have reported the antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles, the combination of silver nanoparticles and

antibiotics studies are warranted. The increasing prevalence of microbial resistance has made the management of public health an important issue in the modern world. Although several new antibiotics were developed Wortmannin manufacturer in the last few decades, none have improved activity against multidrug-resistant bacteria [7]. Therefore, it is important to develop alternate and more effective therapeutic strategies to treat Gram-negative and Gram-positive pathogens. Nanoparticles, which have been used successfully for the delivery of therapeutic agents [8], in diagnostics for chronic diseases [9], and treatment of bacterial infections in skin and burn

wounds, are one AZD0156 nmr option [10]. AgNPs possess antibacterial [11, 12], anti-fungal [13], anti-inflammatory [14], anti-viral [15], anti-angiogenic [16], and anti-cancer activities [17, 18]. Developing AgNPs as a new generation of antimicrobial agents may be an attractive and cost-effective means to overcome 5FU the drug resistance problem seen with Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. The first aim of the present study was to develop a simple and environmentally friendly approach for the synthesis and characterization of AgNPs using Allophylus cobbe. The second aim of this study involved systematically analyzing the antibacterial and anti-biofilm activities of the biologically prepared AgNPs against a panel of human pathogens, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella flexneri, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. The effects of combining antibiotics with AgNPs against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria were also investigated. Methods Bacterial strains and reagents Mueller Hinton broth (MHB) or Mueller Hinton agar (MHA), silver nitrate and ampicillin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, gentamicin, tetracycline, and vancomycin antibiotics were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA).

The katG gene encodes the enzyme catalase-peroxidase that functio

The katG gene encodes the enzyme catalase-peroxidase that functions to convert INH, which lacks anti-mycobactericidal activity, into an active compound [15]. The inhA (ORF) gene encodes an enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase involved in fatty acid synthesis. These fatty acids are the target of the active derivative of

INH [4]. The inhA promoter gene region regulates the expression of an enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase. Mutations of this region may decrease the level of protein expression. The ahpC gene encodes alkyl-hydroperoxide reducatse involved in cellular regulation of oxidative stress [16]; mutations in the intergenic region oxyR-ahpC may also reduce the level of expression. The substitution of a single nucleotide of the amino acid at position 315 of katG (S→T), vary AR-13324 from 53% to 96% of INH resistant isolates check details [17, 18]. Importantly, it was shown that the katG S315T mutation is associated with INH resistance without diminishing the virulence or transmissibility of M. tuberculosis strains [3, 19]. The lack of attenuation associated with the katG S315T substitution and its high frequency among INH resistant clinical isolates suggests that the majority of these isolates will be virulent, and this premise was supported by a recent population-based molecular epidemiological study carried out in The Netherlands [20]. In this study, DNA fingerprinting demonstrated that, although INH resistant strains in general

were less often transmitted between humans, the transmission of katG S315T mutants was similar

to drug susceptible strains [20, 18]. There is a paucity of information regarding the frequency and types of gene mutations associated with INH resistance among M. tuberculosis strains from South America. Moreover, studies of mutations associated with INH resistance have been limited in the scope of the genes assessed, the number of isolates evaluated, and lacked correlation with in vitro INH levels determined by minimal inhibitory concentration. Thus, we conducted a comprehensive characterization of mutations in the katG, oxyR-ahpC, and inhA genes in over 200 INH resistant M. tuberculosis isolates from three MDR high prevalence countries from South America, namely, Argentina, Peru and Brazil and correlated the mutational data with Florfenicol minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) level for INH and strain families as determined by spoligotyping. Results Drug susceptibility testing All isolates previously shown to be INH resistant by the proportion method were Kinase Inhibitor Library screening retested to determine the MIC levels. All isolates retested by MIC were INH resistant defined as ≥ 0.2 μg/mL. The majority of the isolates were resistant to ≥ 0.5 μg/mL INH. Mutation frequency We next characterized mutations in katG, ahpC and inhA (ORF or regulatory regions) gene loci. Among the 224 INH resistant M. tuberculosis isolates, the katG gene was the most frequently mutated gene (80.8%; 181/224).